Releases: nilsschmidt1337/ldparteditor
LDPartEditor 0.8.42-beta
With the release of 0.8.42 you are able to...
- *.dat files with LDPartEditor from the Windows file explorer ("Open with..." and select LDPartEditor.exe).
The following critical issues are fixed:
- Fixed a rare but critical undo/redo bug.
- Fixed a synchronization bug between the text and 3D editor.
- Fixed a bug which could freeze the text editor.
LDPartEditor 0.8.41-beta
With the release of 0.8.41 you are able to...
- ...launch an LDPartEditor executable under Windows / install it with a setup file.
The following critical issues are fixed:
- Colour table (OS: Windows) - The scroll on mouse over, in the list view, only worked when the pointer was over the slider. Not when it was over the list.
- The primitive area disappeared sometimes, because a paint event cleared the canvas.
LDPartEditor 0.8.40-beta
With the release of 0.8.40 you are able to...
- ...unscale something without losing current origin/orientation (double click on selected subfile -> hold Ctrl and click on "Move selected subfile to manipulator").
- ..."Move selected subfile to manipulator" and it keeps subfile scaling when doing so.
- ...choose more practical icon sizes (range 12px ... 32px).
- ...benefit from more "clean" tabs (Snap/Selection/BG-Image) on the 3D editor.
- ...benefit from little performance improvements.
The following critical issues are fixed:
- Unificator deleted some surfaces from the unified mesh.
- Edger2 created wrong condlines if there is a slighty mismatch.
- "Move Manipulator to Subfile" warped the manipulator if there was shearing involved.
- Colour table, linux-only: The scroll on mouse over, in the list view, only worked when the pointer was over the slider. Not when it was over the list.
- It was possible to activate "Move Adjacent Data" on the selection tab for subfiles, but it had no effect (it should not be possible to activate the button in this case!)
LDPartEditor 0.8.39-beta
With the release of 0.8.39 you are able to...
- ...use a SlantingMatrixProjector tool.
- all your user settings in a file, and restore it when you want to (screenshot).
- ...restore your 3D view settings when you completed a PartReview.
- ...use ALT + UP/DOWN to move a line up and down in the text editor.
- ...see a progress bar when downloading files from the PT for PartReview.
- ...set the coplanarity threshold (Tools... -> Options...).
The following critical issues are fixed:
- Colour palette: The window was sometimes not wide enough.
- Sometimes long edges were hard to select until both vertices were visible.
- The logger did not detect errors while loading the workbench.
- An edge, or cond-line was selectable through a surface, even if it was hidden behind that surface.
- Ytruder generated triangles when it should generate quads.
- "Save As..." created a wrong part type (Flexible_Section).
- Divide by zero during Catmull-Clark subdivision
LDPartEditor 0.8.38b-beta
With the release of 0.8.38b the following critical issues are fixed:
- The CSG mesh optimisation was deactivated when one of the 3D view had the wireframe render mode enabled.
- Under linux mint it was not possible to rotate/translate the 3D view with the keyboard key (default keys: "M"/"L").
LDPartEditor 0.8.38-beta
With the release of 0.8.38 you are able to...
- ...use a brand new CSG engine (with automatic mesh optimisation, its on by default)
- ...remove the "UPDATE" info from the part type line with a quick fix.
- ...add the "Unofficial_" prefix to the part type line with a quick fix.
- ...use Isecalc on the current selection by default.
- ...benefit from the fact that "Move Adjacent Data" gets restored on start.
- ...use the new part type "Part Flexible_Section".
- ...see a pop-up dialog with progress bar + cancel for "Calculate Line Intersection Points".
- ...use a "Coplanarity Heatmap Mode" to visually identify coplanar quads.
- ...see some info that the CSG optimisation will only work if the file is displayed on the 3D editor.
- ...turn the new CSG mesh optimisation off (with the meta command 0 !LPE CSG_DONT_OPTIMISE)
- ...set the optimisation threshold of the CSG edge collabser (with the meta command 0 !LPE CSG_EDGE_COLLAPSE_EPSILON 0.9999. The default value is 0.9999. Please use higher or unlikely lower values greater zero and lower one only if necessary.)
- ...set the optimisation threshold of the CSG T-junction finder (with the meta command 0 !LPE CSG_TJUNCTION_EPSILON 0.1. The default value is 0.1 LDU. Please use lower or unlikely higher values greater zero only if necessary.)
The following critical issues are fixed:
- MeshReducer did a wrong check for common points.
- The label for hints, warnings, etc. was cut off.
- TJunctionFinder was not able to fix T-junctions automatically
- When you double-clicked on the last word in the last line, the last character of the file was not selected.
- The visible line size for CSG selections was not always correct.
- Subdivision silently removed all condlines (now it warns about this!)
- The quick fix for missing part type didn't remove the truncated "0 !LDRAW_ORG" meta command.
- "Radio buttons" were not highlighted on the grid icons and in the Ytruder tool dialog.
- Rare NullPointerException during a double click on the text editor problem tree.
LDPartEditor 0.8.37-beta
With the release of 0.8.37 the following critical issues are fixed:
- Edger2 created duplicated TYPE 2 lines which were hard to spot.
- The primitive text search field was sometimes failing / sometimes primitives were not shown at all.
- Edger2 only created condlines if the adjacent surfaces vertices matched perfectly.
- Undo/Redo did not work with the CSG_EXTRUDE meta command.
- CSG inlining did not use all CPU cores.
- The new numeric input fields were blocking the common thread pool (no crash, only performance degradation).
- There was an endless loop regarding the new numeric input fields (no crash, only performance degradation).
LDPartEditor 0.8.36b-beta
With the release of 0.8.36b you are able to...
- ...benefit from more eye-catching buttons.
The following critical issues are fixed:
- The coplanarity calculation was incomplete
LDPartEditor 0.8.36-beta
With the release of 0.8.36 you are able to...
- (and see in 3D view) elements producing an error or warning (when meaningful).
- ...benefit from improved usability for the "hover over right click menu-icon" in the 3D view.
- ...benefit from the fact that vertices which are close together are considered "as one" (when you add something; dist < threshold in LDU).
- ...customise the 3D distance below which vertices are considered the same when you add new elements.
- ...customise the 2D distance in pixels below which vertices are considered the same when you add new elements.
- ...see a warning if the value of a DecimalSpinner differs from the displayed value.
- ...drag&drop primitives on the text editor.
- ..."Select Connected..." / "Touching..." "...with same type."
- ...notice that closing a tab in the text editor close it also in the 3D editor, when the 3D and text editors share one window.
- objects, regardless of the selection filter (but there are some special exceptions).
The following critical issues are fixed:
- Rectifier: There was no difference in the result on the fourth filter. "Convert if possible/Do not convert if adjacent cond-line."
- Text-Editor: The cursor jumped to the first line when the file was saved / the Save-button "stayed" in 'down'-position (actually, it was focused).
- The 3D editor placed the tab of a newly opened part on the left of an already opened part, while in the text editor it was placed as expected on the right.
- Selection issues with vertices which were close together on the screen.
LDPartEditor 0.8.35-beta
With the release of 0.8.35 you are able to...
- ...benefit from better decimal spinner widgets.
- ...make use of a "Select All Types" and a "Select Nothing" menu item along with Vertices, Lines, Triangles, etc.
- ...use "Show All" in the context menu from the text editor
- ...use a shortkey to swap the BFC winding of a selection ("J" key).
- ...see where the distance meter starts.
- ...see where the protractor is fixed.
- ...use the selection filter to control the element types which are inserted by copy & paste
- ...use the selection filter to control which element types are selectable.
- ...see tooltips which explain that ALT+Click removes the corresponding object type from selection when you activate Vertex/Surface/Line/Subfile Mode
- ...benefit from better performance if you have a large number of hidden objects.
- ...benefit from the fact that the primitive area is reset to the top left corner on load.
The following critical issues are fixed:
- Selection got cleared while using the subfile mode.
- Wrong number format for the "Stud" in the unit converter.
- Snap on edges: The projection was incorrect.