This project is split into two repositories. The front-end, built using React and Next.js, is in this repository. The back-end, built using Ruby on Rails, can be found in this repository.
- Create, save, and edit forms.
- Easy to use and intuituve UI.
- Many component options including:
- Text Field
- Text Area
- Number Picker
- Check Boxes
- Radio Buttons
- Date Picker
- Time Picker
- File Upload
- Address Field
- Easily edit component labels, placeholders, and helpers.
- Drag and drop for ordering components and check box/radio button options.
The form builder creates a JSON array containing all of the components used in the form. This JSON schema can be interpreted to create a form. Because the front-end and the back-end are seperate (The back-end is a seperate rails api), this form builder can easily be consumed by other applications such as a mobile form building app.