Bombastick is a unique mix between the famous arcade game
Bomberman and
Capture the flag.
It is currently under developpement.
- results menu and chaining matches
- power up?
- test, test, test (with different levels and resolutions)
Players can move in 4 directions and drop a bomb.
Bombs can break some blocks, and kill players. When a player dies, he
respawns at the most distant point of the action.
When present, the flag can be picked up simply by moving over it. When killed,
the flag is dropped on the floor.
Depending to the mode, the goal is to keep the flag or to kill other players.
When players keep the flag, a timer increases. At the end of the match, the player with the highest timer wins.
The match ends when one player has kept the flag for a given time.
Usually short, these match claims as winner the player that holds the flag at the end (or the last player who had it).
Here, there is no flag. The goal is simply to kill the most opponent.