A pure js kml parser, for web or node, with support for local cache for remote kmls. Includes web implementation for parsing kml files in the background using a Web Worker
//simple usage in a web browser
(new KmlReader(xmlString))
Use BackgroundKmlReader instead of KmlReader to move kml parsing into a background thread, this class provides exactly the same methods as KmlReader. Providing the remote url for a kml (instead of the kml string), in the constructor to BackgroundKmlReader, additionally moves the download into the background thread.
BackgroundKmlReader includes, and uses @xmldom/xmldom
(new BackgroundKmlReader(kmlUrl /*accepts url, or kml string but not DOM*/))
// ...
const KmlReader=require('../KmlReader.js');
const DOMParser=require('@xmldom/xmldom').DOMParser;
const fs=require('fs');
(new KmlReader(new DOMParser().parseFromString(fs.readFileSync('somefile.kml').toString())))