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Hi, this is my CV

Hey there! Glad you came. My name is Nicholas and I'm full stack web developer focusing on Back-End development. I'm from Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, South America, Earth...

I have worked professionally since 2013, using PHP as my main programming language. Since then, I've been working on several companies, developing websites, web systems for content and information management. On my personal projects, I'm focusing on making information and content management more human friendly.

Information and content management are my passion now. And I know I can do a great job on this!

Make yourself at home and feel free to see my repositories and follow me at @nicklleite!


    $n = new stdClass();
    $n->experiences = [
        "Sep_2024" => [
            "job_position" => "Fullstack Web Developer @ Voomp Creators (via Soluevo)",
            "technologies" => "PHP (Laravel) | MySQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Vue.JS | PHPUnit | Azure Devops (for git operations)"
        "Dec_2022|May_2024" => [
            "job_position" => "Fullstack Web Developer @",
            "technologies" => "PHP (Laravel) | MySQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Vue.JS | PHPUnit | Bitbucket"
        "Aug_2022|Oct_2022" => [
            "job_position" => "Fullstack Web Developer @ SimplyPHP",
            "technologies" => "PHP (Laravel) | MySQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Vue.JS | PHPUnit | Bitbucket"
        "Apr_2021|Aug_2022" => [
            "job_position" => "Fullstack Web Developer @ Etus",
            "technologies" => "PHP (Laravel) | MySQL | DynamoDB | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Vue.JS | Bootstrap | PHPUnit | Bitbucket"
        "Jul_2019|Aug_2020" => [
            "job_position" => "Fullstack Web Developer @ Alta Comunicazione",
            "technologies" => "PHP (Laravel/Codeigniter) | MySQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | jQuery | Bootstrap | Gulp | Git | Bitbucket"

        "Jul_2018|Dec_2018" => [
            "job_position" => "Fullstack Web Developer @ Adekz Tecnologia",
            "technologies" => "PHP | MySQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Vue.js"
        "May_2013|Jun_2015" => [
            "job_position" => "Fullstack Web Developer @ CODERP",
            "technologies" => "PHP | PostgreSQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | jQuery | Bootstrap"
        // ...


[email protected]:~$ mysql -h localhost -u root -p
Enter password: ******
Your MariaDB connection id is 69
Server version: 10.4.17-MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> use nicholas;
Database changed
MariaDB [(nicholas)]> SELECT * FROM skills;

| id | skill          |
|  1 | PHP            |
|  2 | MySQL          |
|  3 | PostgreSQL     |
|  4 | Laravel        |
|  5 | Codeigntier    |
|  6 | HTML           |
|  7 | CSS            |
|  8 | SASS/SCSS      |
|  9 | JavaScript     |
| 10 | Vue.JS         |
| 11 | Bootstrap      |
| 12 | Gulp           |
| 13 | Lumen          |
| 14 | PHPUnit        |
| 15 | Pest           |
| 16 | DynamoDB       |
| 17 | Docker         |

12 rows in set (0.069 sec)

MariaDB [(nicholas)]>


        "games": [
            "World of Warcraft", "Diablo II", "Racing games"
        "music": [
            "Play Drums", "Listen to Prog Rock", "Podcasts"
        "others": [
            "Tv Shows & Movies (Netflix, Amazon...)", "Taking landscape photos"


Here's my CV. My web portfolio is comming soon!






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