NDS Release v.1.0.5
NDS Release v1.0.5
New Components
Global Asset Changes & Fixes
- Update: Rewrote component JavaScript files to utilize a modern, “modular” format that is more flexible for any type of project. Included an “init.js” file to initialize each JS module.
- Update: Moved final location of generated nds-min.js file out of js/global/ to js/.
- Update: Changed “source” directory to “src.”
- Update: Changed “public_html” directory to “dist.”
- Update: Updated the NDS LICENSE file.
- Update: Added autoprefixer to Gulp CSS process.
- Issue: Removed test data from the Document Icon demo pattern.
- Issue: Removed external link icon from footer caret links.
- Update: Made the URL visibility optional in the Search Block molecule.
Static Site Builder Changes & Fixes
- Update: Added autoprefixer to Gulp CSS process.
- Issue: Restored missing .gitignore file.
- Update: Added a more specific command for updating the NDS submodule.
NDS Documentation Site Changes & Fixes
- Update: Updated the Working with NDS section on the NDS SSB and NDS Drupal Theme pages to include information on updating NDS.
- Update: Updated documentation on the NDS Drupal Theme page to include more robust Getting Started instructions.
- Update: Changed the Getting Started navigation to go directly to pages instead of sections, removed the Quick Start option.
- Update: Changed “source” directory to “src.”
- Update: Changed “public_html” directory to “dist.”
- Update: Updated README to explain new directory names.
- Update: Added autoprefixer to Gulp CSS process.
- Update: Added header to distribution CSS and JS files via Gulp.
- Update: Cleaned up unneeded folders.
- Update: Removed heading styles override classes.
- Update: Support page updated with 1.0.5 release notes.
NDS Drupal Theme
- Update: Reorganized the theme for better interaction with the NDS submodule.
- Update: Added a “gulp init” function to pull files into a new patternlab/ directory.
- Update: Changed “source” directory to “src.”
- Update: Added .gitignore file to repository.
- Update: Updated README to include updated initialization instructions.