- Author: Nguyen Trung Nhan
- Based on ML.NET sample at https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning-samples/blob/master/README.md
- My git: https://github.com/nhannt201
- You need to download additional data and extract in
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gp8u7a2c0jxeaad/netcoreapp3.1.zip/file
To create machine learning data to classify images, see more at: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/learn/ml-dotnet/get-started-tutorial/intro
to folder containing the images to your classification!
to Result folder in the Guide folder
- People (ConNguoi)
- Animals (DongVat)
- Items (DoVat)
- Flowers (Hoa)
- Document (TaiLieu)
- Nature (ThienNhien)
- Food (ThucAn)
You must not rename in the Result folder, the classification may be corrupted!
You can Console.WriteLine
Name of images with result.Prediction
First, the image will be loaded into the program:
var input = new ModelInput ();
input.ImageSource = <your_image_url>;
// Load model and predict output of sample data
ModelOutput result = ConsumeModel.Predict (input);
Finally, result.Prediction is the name of the image classified based on the above 7 neu characteristics.