yojimbo.net is a transpile of yojimbo.
yojimbo is a network library for client/server games with dedicated servers.
It's designed around the networking requirements of competitive multiplayer games like first person shooters.
It has the following features:
- Cryptographically secure authentication via connect tokens
- Client/server connection management and timeouts
- Encrypted and signed packets sent over UDP
- Reliable-ordered messages and data blocks
- Packet fragmentation and reassembly
- Estimates of packet loss, latency and bandwidth usage
yojimbo is stable and well tested having been used in AAA game projects for over 2 years now.
You can get the latest source code by cloning it from github:
git clone https://github.com/networkprotocol/yojimbo.git
After cloning, make sure to run this command to populate the netcode.io and reliable.io submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Alternatively, you can download one of the latest releases
The author of this library is Glenn Fiedler.
Glenn is now focusing on his new startup Network Next.
yojimbo was generously sponsored by:
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
And by individual supporters on Patreon. Thank you. You made this possible!