Crafted with love for the official NestJS Discord server. ❤️
The primary objectives of this project are:
- Automate moderation actions.
- Enable members to respond to common scenarios using application commands.
- Provide tools to encourage engagement and collaboration.
This bot is custom-made for our server, and all features are subject to change based on our community's needs. We reserve the right to introduce breaking changes at any time.
cp .env.example .env
# validates the configuration files (can be used by the contributors or in a CI/CD pipeline)
go run cmd/validate/main.go
# prints out the server invite link
go run cmd/invite/main.go
# launches the Discord bot
go run cmd/run/main.go
# cleans the registered application commands
go run cmd/clean/main.go
# generates the bot status texts (just for fun 🙂)
cd cmd/status/
go run .