This is a note creation application built using Next.js. With this application, users can add, edit, and delete notes. They can also filter notes by category.
If you use Mozilla, you should turn off Enhanced Tracking Protection.
- Next.js
- Typescript
- Context API
- Firebase
- Firestore
- Tailwind and DaisyUI for styles
- Icons for React Icons
- Toast for React Hot Toast
- uuid for unique id
- You can create notes.
- You can edit existing notes.
- You can filter notes by category.
- You can delete notes.
- User authentication ensures the security of your notes.
# Install dependencies
yarn install or npm install or pnpm install
# Run the development server
yarn dev or npm run dev or pnpm dev
# Build for production
yarn build or npm run build or pnpm build
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.