PostgreSql Support - v1.0-preview.3
This version includes many updates but has been mainly focused on adding PostgreSQL support!
What's Changed
- Update ExportProductsQuery.cs by @neozhu in #282
- Adapt autofilterer by @neozhu in #283
- Replace blazor-state with Fluxor by @neozhu in #284
- migration to mediatR v12.0 by @neozhu in #285
- refactoring exception handler by @neozhu in #286
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #287
- Update Customers.razor by @neozhu in #288
- Migration to mediat r12 by @neozhu in #289
- jcamp.FluentEmail replace to FluentEmail by @neozhu in #290
- ConfigureAwait(false) by @neozhu in #291
- update by @neozhu in #292
- update nuget by @neozhu in #294
- add OwnerPropertyEntity by @neozhu in #295
- refactoring IncludableQueryable by @neozhu in #296
- Update BaseAuditableEntity.cs by @neozhu in #297
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #298
- Update Documents.razor by @neozhu in #299
- refactoring query by @neozhu in #300
- add cache Refresh() by @neozhu in #301
- CodeBeam.MudExtensions by @neozhu in #302
- Update ConfigureServices.cs by @neozhu in #303
- configure a navigation to be automatically included. by @neozhu in #304
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #305
- Navigation by @neozhu in #306
- fixed order by @neozhu in #307
- Update AuditTrailConfiguration.cs by @neozhu in #308
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #309
- fixed by @neozhu in #310
- update by @neozhu in #311
- update by @neozhu in #312
- udpate by @neozhu in #313
- update picklist page by @neozhu in #314
- DbExceptionHandler by @neozhu in #315
- Update Program.cs by @neozhu in #316
- fixed bug by @neozhu in #317
- update nuget by @neozhu in #318
- Update Users.razor by @neozhu in #319
- Update AuditableEntitySaveChangesInterceptor.cs by @neozhu in #320
- Update _Layout.cshtml by @neozhu in #321
- update font by @neozhu in #322
- update config by @neozhu in #323
- add list view filter by @neozhu in #325
- Navigation by @neozhu in #326
- add listview for log page by @neozhu in #327
- Update Users.razor by @neozhu in #328
- Navigation by @neozhu in #329
- Update Products.razor by @neozhu in #330
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #331
- update theme by @neozhu in #332
- Update ThemesMenu.razor.cs by @neozhu in #333
- add GlobalVariable by @neozhu in #334
- Update LogsLineCharts.razor by @neozhu in #335
- add JSON column for product entity by @neozhu in #336
- add product images preview by @neozhu in #337
- Jwt token authentication by @neozhu in #338
- bugfix by @neozhu in #339
- add Resilience by @neozhu in #341
- remove FluxorComponent by @neozhu in #342
- remove Fluxor, using MediatR notification by @neozhu in #343
- Jwt by @neozhu in #344
- fix by @neozhu in #345
- fix ExportProductsQuery by @neozhu in #346
- Jwt by @neozhu in #347
- remove Blazored.LocalStorage by @neozhu in #348
- Jwt by @neozhu in #349
- update by @neozhu in #350
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #351
- Update UserProfileStateComponent.cs by @neozhu in #352
- update by @neozhu in #353
- update by @neozhu in #354
- MudDatagrid instead of mudTable by @neozhu in #355
- update by @neozhu in #356
- fixed by @neozhu in #357
- Update DocumentCreatedEventHandler.cs by @neozhu in #358
- Code refactoring by @Bram1903 in #360
- Consider reusing fluxor + rename property name by @neozhu in #362
- update audit table by @neozhu in #363
- update audit table by @neozhu in #364
- Update Products.razor by @neozhu in #365
- Update AuditTrails.razor by @neozhu in #366
- PostgreSQL Support by @Bram1903 in #367
New Contributors
Full Changelog: ver1.1...ver1.2