Bridge between Parse api and WordPress
The goal of this plugin its to replicate all your posts to Parse so you can easily develop mobile apps, because I find very useful their SDK and help us to develop apps faster without worring about the security or if someone else can read data from our blog and use it.
- Post object saved (create/update) to Parse
- Push notifications when new post published
- Turn on/off push notifications when new post published
- Sync old post to Parse
- Plugin can be updated from github, thanks to WordPress Github Plugin Updater
- Create your account on Parse
- Create an app
- Create an class in the data browser with those fields:
- categories (Array)
- content (String)
- date (String)
- guid (String)
- photos (Array)
- thumbnail (Object)
- title (String)
- videos (Array)
- wpId (Number)
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Go to Settings -> Parse Api
- Fill the form with the data from your app dashboard
- At this point it must be ready to use it
Because I find there a well documented SDK's for the most popular mobile platforms.
Configure the plugin under Settings -> Parse Api as describe in the instalation. Every time you publish or save a published post it will create/update their respective row on Parse
Then use the SDK of your prefered platform and start coding.
- Better way to handle synchronization (don't research so much if wp has a build in cronjob)
- Prepare for submit into the wordpress plugin repository
- Built a log event registry and visualization
- Add test case files
- Added date internationalization support (English, Español)
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Added support for youtube videos
- Added some comments on the source code
- Fixed bug that send push notification if category is null or an empty string, seems that my previous fixes not work :(
- Added an option to turn on/off push notifications
- Added github plugin updater
- Fix issue if no push certificate or valid push certificate was configured (thanks to raymondmuller)
- Small improvement, if categories are empty no push notification will be send
- Fix push notifications, now it get the categories from the post
- Fix to remove the bbcode and their content
- Fix sync, now update/insert works
- Added log helper
- Fix sync, now update/insert works
- Fix img src isolation
- Changed limit per page from 20 to 10
- Fix sync, now the pagination works fine
- Now refresh via javascript, instead of php wp_rediect to prevent browser error "too many redirections"
- Changed sort tag php with full php tag
- Added guid and photos fields
- Embed photos in the content field will be extracted and pushed on photos field
- Strip all html tags from the intro content
- Strip certain html tags from the extended content
- Fix: now sync all posts instead of the first 5
- Add a fix for the 3rd party class parseRestClient to get to work in php < 5.3
- Readme: changed thumbnail type to Object
- Fixed thumbnails tag img was returned before the fix, now returns the url
- In wp-parse-api.php changed functions to class
0.1 Initial Commit
Contributors: normanpaniagua
Tags:, api
Requires at least: 3.0.1 (not tested)
Tested up to: 3.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: