Neo4j Connector for Apache Spark 4.1.0
Hello Community!
We are pleased to announce the 4.1.0
of the Spark Connector where we fixed several bugs and introduced the official support for Spark's Structured Streaming APIs with Source and Sink!
This release officially enables Spark Structured Streaming API and lets you connect Neo4j (via Spark) to systems such as Kinesis, Kafka, Google Dataproc, Azure Service Bus, and any other which support Spark Structured Streaming.
There are three files:
, md52cde396181f79950a541ca2e6e218909
, md5982292aeb829d06fc6571cb21e850dfd
, md576016cdd45cb0ca929172cb723dfa3b6
List of resolved issues
- Fixes #343: add Streaming docs (#346)
- fixes #386: Streaming Source dups record in Databricks env (#387)
- fix python failing tests (#385)
- fixes #370: Sort Partitions by internal ID (#382)
- fixes #348: repartition(1) - Makes loading very slow (#356)
- Fixes #369: add parameters to filters (#377)
- fix to clean up python in an example program (#380)
- Bump driver version to 4.3.2 (#379)
- fixes #262: spark 3 source (#374)
- fixes #262: part 3/4: Spark 2.4 Source (#371)
- Fixes #358: Ensure the same timezone is used across JVM and Neo4j (#359)
- Fixes #364: add tests for Neo4j 4.3 (#365)
- Fixes #361: Change constraint naming convention (#363)
- fixes #357: transformed isValidQuery severity from ERROR to DEBUG (#360)
- added javadoc generation
- Update quickstart.adoc