Releases: nekonomicon/Parabot
Custom Build v0.92.1
Fixed crashes with steam hl libraries and some mods
Fixed crash with test android version of Xash3D FWGS
Custom Build v0.92
Added Steam HL and Xash3D support
Added metamod support
Added Linux/OSX/*BSD/Android support
Added Adrenaline Gamer support
Added They Hunger Trilogy support
Added BubbleMOD support
Added Severians support
Added Opposing Force CTF support
Added case-insensitive UTF-8 characters comparison
Added new chatfile(Russian)
All files moved to /addons/parabot
Removed debug code from release builds
Fixed crashes
Fixed gauss usage
Fixed bug with models in teamplay
Fixed speaker nickname color in chat in teamplay
Fixed bots behavior in teamplay
Fixed hangs in Deathmatch Classic
Thanks to:
Tobias "Killaruna" Heimann for Parabot
@CecilHarvey for "Parabot Reloaded"
DJhimik for testing
@FreeSlave for linux build
Jeffrey "Botman" Broome for HPB-bot
Also used code parts from jk_botti, bsdiconv and nwreckdum.