Releases: neilrenicker/alfred-harvest
Bug fix: addresses issue where the workflow will fail for users that don't have a Workflow Data
directory in Alfred preferences.
Adds better error handling, and addresses a bug that kills the hv toggle
trigger if incorrect credentials are entered.
This release adds a lot of polish to the UI, and a few new triggers:
- Updates triggers to be more descriptive and less overwhelming.
- Adds a trigger to add notes to tasks.
- Adds fallbacks for cases where users have no daily tasks. The workflow will lead you toward a logical next step instead of giving up altogether.
- Adds a trigger to visit Harvest account.
- Cleans up the file directories for needless obsessive organization.
Moves the password and project caching files to Alfred App's "Workflow Data" folder. Passwords and data are still not encrypted, but they won't be shared if a user shares the workflow, and Alfred will remember a user's password after workflow updates.
Fixes bug where workflow would fail on projects with parenthesis.
- Adds search filtering throughout the workflow
- Updates cache handling for speedier project loading
- Code cleanup / refactoring
Initial release. Has basic timer ability: start new Harvest timers, toggle existing daily timers, and delete daily timers.
No search filtering or secure passwords.