This is static Website built with Ionic (Angular).
Clone the project
git clone
Install Dependencies and Packages
npm ci
Serve the project (Usually on http://localhost:8100/)
npx ionic serve
Generate Components, Services, Modules, Classes, Directives, Guards
npx ionic generate
- Currently getting deployed manually via Neil's Netlify account.
npx ionic build --prod
Drag and drop www folder to Netlify
Pending job with Infrastructure Team to host.
- Download installer
- Find link for GCM core for OSX
- Open package on your Mac
- Start Install Wizard
- Copy to clipboard git clone command from Azure Devops
- Paste into Terminal
- Authenticate to GCM using your Azure Devops credentials
- Complete DUO 2FA 🗝
- Check the terminal for success 🎉
- cd into the Project 🎤 👋
cd design-system