Implementation of hash_set using hash table and tree_set using order statistic tree (variant of AVL tree)
- Hash set is packaged as hash_set.h and hash_set.cpp
- Tree set is packaged as tree_set.h and tree_set.cpp
for using hash_set as header file include it as #include "hash_set.h"
example program for hash_set:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "hash_set.h"
using namespace std;
int main(){
hash_set<int> st1;
hash_set<int> st2;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
for(int i=5;i<20;i++){
hash_set<int> st3=st1.find_union(st2); // find union of sets 'st1' and 'st2' and put it in set 'st3'
hash_set<int> st3=st1.find_intersection(st2); // find intersection of sets 'st1' and 'st2' and put it in set 'st3'
hash_set<int> st3=st1.find_difference(st2); // find difference of sets 'st1' and 'st2' (st1-st2) and put it in set 'st3'
st3.print(); // print set elements in sorted order
if(st1.find(5)==true){ // find a key exists in set
cout<<"Not Found\n";
st1.erase(4); // deletes an element from the set, if it exists
if(st1.empty()){ // check if set is empty
cout<<"Set is empty\n";
return 0;
example program for tree_set:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "tree_set.h"
using namespace std;
int main(){
tree_set<int> st1;
tree_set<int> st2;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
for(int i=5;i<20;i++){
tree_set<int> st3=st1.find_union(st2); // find union of sets 'st1' and 'st2' and put it in set 'st3'
tree_set<int> st3=st1.find_intersection(st2); // find intersection of sets 'st1' and 'st2' and put it in set 'st3'
tree_set<int> st3=st1.find_difference(st2); // find difference of sets 'st1' and 'st2' (st1-st2) and put it in set 'st3'
st3.print(); // print set elements in sorted order
if(st1.find(5)==true){ // find a key exists in set
cout<<"Not Found\n";
st1.erase(4); // deletes an element from the set, if it exists
if(st1.empty()){ // check if set is empty
cout<<"Set is empty\n";
int smallest = st1.find_smallest(); // finds smallest element in the set
cout<<"Smallest element is: <<smallest<<endl;
st1.remove_smallest(); // removes the smallest element from the set.
return 0;