PostgreSQL 11 HA Cluster Installer For CentOS 7.x This program installs PostgreSQL HA Cluster with Patroni in 10 minutes for new servers.
Do not use these program for your existing setup or upgrade your servers. You can lose your data be careful. pgInstaller well tested on just new servers.
- New installed CentOS 7.x servers (min 3 servers suggested) and root user enabled.
- Check all candidate servers has same root password.
- Check default yum repos (sudo yum update) is reachable.
- Check is reachable.
- optional add seperate disks for WAL and DATA (but do not mount disks!!) for production env.
-n required- root user password. Remember all machines should have SAME root password. You can change passwords or disable root login recommended after installation finished.
-p required- IP list of cluster. Comma seperated IP list e.g :,,
-s required- Scope Name e.g : PROD_CLS max 10 alphabetic charecter[a-Z]
-k optional- PostgreSQL port default : 5432
-d optional- Data disk path e.g : /dev/sdb
-w optional- WAL disk path e.g : /dev/sdc
-e optional- DCS root directory path. e.g. PG11_PROD_CLS.if you not provide default value is "PG_+ Scope Name"
-v optional- More output default for open add : -v:ON
-g optional- Etcd Password (If you not provide the program generate for you and save it in PgInstallerPass.txt file)
-t optional- Postgres Replication User Password (If you not provide the program generate for you and save it in PgInstallerPass.txt file)
-y optional- Postgres Super User(postgres) Password (If you not provide the program generate for you and save it in PgInstallerPass.txt file)
-u optional- pgBackRest User(pgbackrest) Password (If you not provide the program generate for you and save it in PgInstallerPass.txt file)
./installPG11Cluster -n "1" -p,, -s AKCA_CLS -e PG11_AKCA_CLS -k 5432 -d /dev/sdb -w /dev/sdc -g 1a23 -t 1a23 -y 1a23 -u 1a23
shc -rf -o installPG11Cluster
These files will be tuned or added to your server. After successfully install your PostgreSQL HA cluster we strongly recommend review these files.
/etc/fstab (Only If you provide additional disk for DATA or WAL disk)
It is recommended disable all root user's from your servers.
The default servers firewalls are open so you have to open PostgreSQL port for connect from your app server/s. For accessing to database run these commands on all servers which is you provide during to installation with -p command. ;
- firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family=ipv4 source address=${YOUR APP SERVER IP}/32 port protocol=tcp port=5432 accept"
- systemctl restart firewalld
- Review your PostgreSQL HA Cluster configuration
patronictl -c /etc/patroni_${SCOPE_NAME}.yml edit-config
For more about cluster configuration read Patroni github page.
● Using jdbc:
● libpq starting from PostgreSQL 10:
● For more balancer vs ... read Patroni github page.
- Backup server installation option will be added with pg_BackRest.
- pg_watch2 installation will be added.