Elevator for code story
- prepare
- install maven
- install bees SDK (to deploy to cloudbees)
- build
- mvn clean install
- run
- with main class
and three args : hostname port strategy - hostname : "localhost" or "find" to automatically retrieve ip address (needed by cloudbees)
- port : listening port
- strategy : name of strategy class to use, the class must be located in
package - possible values: ClassicStrategy , MostUsersStrategy
To test it locally you can run it through Maven :
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.nca.elevator.Server" -Dexec.args="find 8080 ClassicStrategy"
- deploy to cloudbees
- create cloudbees app (only once) :
bees create myApp
- deploy:
./deploy_to_cloudbees.sh myApp