# Tameshk ,A user friendly web app for foodies! Tameshk is a web app developed with django and react. This app has four diffrent access levels and at each level offers a usefull set of functionalities.
If you're not sure wether this web app is worth signing up, There is no problem! everyone who hasn't signed up yet is welcome to view the list of restaurants and their menu's, but when it comes to ordering or reservation, signing up is needed.
After signing up customers can searchand filter their favourite restaurants and browse their menu's. One thing that makes tameshk different from others is that you can also make reservations within the app!
Once a restaurant is registered to tameshk ,a profile is created for the Restaurant Admin so they can add their menu and reservation condition.
Tameshk is managed by a group of admins who have can register restaurants and controll accessiblity of diffrent users
Tameshk is a Safe and Secure web app and each user profile page is secured and all routes are private
Tameshk is documented using Swagger and SonarQube is used for on-premise analysis to detect coding issues. Api documentation is as follows:
1- Site admin - Add Restaurant[Post]:
Restaurant name:Charfield
Restaurant Image:ImageField
Restaurant description:Charfield
Restaurant Type:Charfield
Restaurant Location : Charfield
Restaurant Username: Charfield
Restaurant Password: Charfield
2- Site admin - Add Restaurant[Post]:
Site Admin → (username, password)
3- Restaurant admin - Menu[Post]:
Food name:Charfield
Food price:Charfield
Food Image:ImageField
Food description:Charfield
4- user - login [Post]:
Email : Charfield
Password : Charfield
5- user - signup[Post] :
FirstName : Charfield
LastName : Charfield
PhoneNumber: Charfield
Email: Charfield
Address : Charfield
Password :Charfield
6 - Restaurant Admin - create food [post]:
Foodname : Charfield
Id : Charfield
FoodPrice: Charfield
FoodDescription : Charfield
FoodType : Charfield
FoodImage : Charfield
7- Restaurant Admin - Restaurant Admin Login View [post]:
Restaurant Username: Charfield
Restaurant Password: Charfield