Follow the steps below to set up the project locally:
Install Java 11
sudo apt update sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
Verify installation:
java -version
Expected output:
java version "11.x.x"
brew install openjdk@11
Add to your shell profile:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc source ~/.zshrc
Download Java 11 from AdoptOpenJDK and set theJAVA_HOME
environment variable to the installation path.
Install Flutter (Version 3.16.5)
- Download Flutter 3.16.5 from the Flutter Releases Page.
- Extract the Flutter SDK and add the
directory to your system PATH.
Verify the installation:
flutter --version
Clone the Repository
- git clone
- cd /hcm_digit
Install Dependencies
- Install the required Flutter dependencies by running:
flutter pub get
- Generate Files
- Use the build_runner tool to generate necessary files and resolve conflicting outputs:
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
- Run the Application
- Run the application in debug mode on the Chrome browser with a custom web port (3000) and disabled web security:
flutter run -d chrome --debug --web-port=3000 --web-browser-flag "--disable-web-security"
- Install Node JS
- Navigate to the mock-relying-party-service folder:
cd mock-relying-party-service
- Install the required Node.js dependencies:
npm install
4.Start the service:
npm start