version 3.5.1
TYPO3 extension to create a quiz, poll or test. The participant result will be saved in the DB too and can be deleted automatically via Scheduler.
The results can be displayed as a chart too. An evaluation is possible too.
Features: a quiz, poll or test can be played by submitting a form or by submitting an AJAX-request.
8 question types/modes available: checkbox, radio-box, select-box, yes/no, text-field, textarea, star-rating, matrix.
This extension is not backward compatible to myquizpoll, but there is a simple import-task for myquizpoll-questions in older versions.
jQuery is required. Optimized for Bootstrap 4.
Dashboard widget available.
CSV-export available via scheduler task.
Available languages: english and german/deutsch.
You find the documentation at
Changes in version 3.4.0:
- The answer of textarea-fields is now checked too (it is no longer optional, but can be set to optional).
- CSV-export added as scheduler task.
- Dashboard no longer required in TYPO3 11.
- Layout optimizations.
Changes in version 3.4.4:
- Bugfix: persist before evaluation.
- Bugfix: category evaluation.
- Bugfix: wrong Namespace in TemplateLayout corrected.
Changes in version 3.5.0:
- Mandatory check with PHP too, if setting phpFormCheck=1.
- New question mode: matrix with categories of a question.