This plug-in is designed to help you encode and decode a string of text. Typical use would be to encode a string so it can be safely passed from one page to another in the URL. Includes support for json, base64, htmlspecialchars, htmlentities, uuencode and rawurlencode.
{exp:encode_decode style="url" direction="encode"}This is @/ test string{/exp:encode_decode}
string = '[email protected]' (optional)
- If you'd rather not use the plug-in as a tag pair, use a single tag and specify the string parameter.
style = 'url' (default - url)
- The encoding style. this can be either: "url","rawurl","htmlspecialchars","htmlentities","uu", "base64" or "url_safe_base64".
direction = 'encode' (default - encode)
- The direction to push the string in: "encode" or "decode".