Project no longer maintained see the Parser project for a replacement.
Simple Format Parser For Laravel 4
Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json
file to require Nathanmac/laravel-parser
"require": {
"nathanmac/laravel-parser": "dev-master"
Next, update Composer from the Terminal:
composer update
Once this operation completes, the final step is to add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php
, and add a new item to the providers array.
Parse::json($payload); // JSON > Array
Parse::xml($payload); // XML > Array
Parse::yaml($payload); // YAML > Array
Parse::querystr($payload); // Query String > Array
Parse::serialize($payload); // Serialized Object > Array
Parse::payload(); // Auto Detect Type - 'Content Type' HTTP Header
Parse::payload('application/json'); // Specifiy the content type
$parsed = Parse::json('
"message": {
"to": "Jack Smith",
"from": "Jane Doe",
"subject": "Hello World",
"body": "Hello, whats going on..."
$parsed = Parse::xml('
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<to>Jack Smith</to>
<from>Jane Doe</from>
<subject>Hello World</subject>
<body>Hello, whats going on...</body>
$parsed = Parse::querystr('to=Jack Smith&from=Jane Doe&subject=Hello World&body=Hello, whats going on...');
$parsed = Parse::serialize('a:1:{s:7:"message";a:4:{s:2:"to";s:10:"Jack Smith";s:4:"from";s:8:"Jane Doe";s:7:"subject";s:11:"Hello World";s:4:"body";s:24:"Hello, whats going on...";}}');
$parsed = Parse::yaml('
to: "Jack Smith"
from: "Jane Doe"
subject: "Hello World"
body: "Hello, whats going on..."
application/xml > XML
text/xml > XML
application/json > JSON
application/x-javascript > JSON
text/javascript > JSON
text/x-javascript > JSON
text/x-json > JSON
text/yaml > YAML
text/x-yaml > YAML
application/yaml > YAML
application/x-yaml > YAML
application/vnd.php.serialized > Serialized Object
application/x-www-form-urlencoded' > Query String