The pipeline does Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) typing using HLA-VBSEQ from high-throughput sequencing data.
The pipeline is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across multiple compute infrastructures in a very portable manner. It comes with docker and singularity containers making installation trivial and results highly reproducible.
The pipeline does not require installation as NextFlow
will automatically fetch it from GitHub
To execute the pipeline on test dataset run:
nextflow run nanjalaruth/HLA-typing -profile test,singularity -r main --reference_genome "path to the human reference genome <hg19>" -resume
Start running your own analysis either by using flags as shown below:
nextflow run nanjalaruth/HLA-typing -profile singularity -resume --input "*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz" --reference_genome "path to the human reference genome <hg19>"
or run your own analysis by modifying the conf/test.config file to suit the path to your data location and then run the command as below:
nextflow run nanjalaruth/HLA-typing -profile singularity -c <path to your edited config file> -resume
nextflow pull nanjalaruth/HLA-typing
Argument | Usage | Description |
-profile | <base,slurm> | Configuration profile to use. |
--input | </project/*_{R1,R2}*.fastq> | Directory pattern for fastq files. |
--reference_genome | <hg19> | Path to the reference genome to which the samples will be mapped |
--hla_ref | <'hla_ref.fasta'> | Path to the hla reference genome |
--hla_txt_file | <Allele_v2.txt> | Path to the hla allele text file |
-r | <revision> | Pipeline revision |
--singleEnd | Specifies that the input files are not paired reads (default is paired-end). |
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