released this
28 Aug 10:42
Package archive:
apply following change
add minor internal change into errors files
create sub package archive/gzipreader
create package to expose a io.reader interface from a no gzipped io.reader
add interface GZipReader to expose metrics like rate of compression
Package artifact:
apply following change
add minor internal change into errors files
Package aws:
apply following change
removing minio server from repo
update config model following validator update
Package database
sub package gorm
move package database using gorm, to package database/gorm
update config component following
apply following change
sub package kvitem
create new package to manage item of KV Db
allow to track change on item model
allow to store only if changed
embedded driver function to load / store to make instance portable
sub package kvtable
create new package to manage a table (list of map key : value)
embedded driver instance to make instance portable
allow to walk, list, get items with KVItem instance
sub package kvdriver
create new package to wrap db KV function to KVTable awaiting function
Allow to skip function Walk replace by a n internal call of function List and Get
sub package map
create new package to wrap KV function usage of map[comparable]any to KVDriver model
Use json marshall/unmarshall between map[comparable]any to model any
Package Errors
add function to check & cast error interface into golib Error interface
update CodeError type to simplify management & error creation
add function to simplify call of Error function from a generic error interface
remove some useless function from Error interface
Package file/progress
simplify call / use of file progress
optimize code
use atomic to function progress
isolation part of code
make interface more compatible with *os/File / io interface
Package ioutils
remove file progress from ioutils and rework it to package file/progress
Package mail
apply following change
add minor internal change into errors files
Package nutsdb
apply following change
add minor internal change into errors files
Package socket
All other packages
bump dependencies
remove aws/minio:
use a wget command to dl minio server for testing in ci/cd
add aws/minio to gitignore
remove aws/minio from repo history
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