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Add Package for archive/compressed files

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@nabbar nabbar released this 30 Jun 06:39
· 399 commits to master since this release

Add Package Archive :

  • func ExtractFile : recursive func to extract from any (zip, tar, bz2, gzip) archive/compressed file
  • allow to push multiple compressed file, search for included file
  • search based on included full path name and substrings pattern or regex matching
  • return an os file pointer to temporary file

Add I/O Functions for temporary file :

  • func NewTempFile to return an os Temp File pointer
  • func GeTempFilePath to return the current full path of the given os Temp File pointer
  • func DelTempFile to clean the given os Temp File pointer

Add test / example file for Archive Package :

  • add a to test to print content of a go file in vendor folder from a zip => bz2 => tar => gzip => tar => vendor/.../file to print
  • add a shell script to create an the example archive zip