This is an experimental project. It aims to be a minimalistic Spring Boot site starter based on the following principals:
Plain old SQL, using raw JDBC and Flyway for migrations.
No server-side templating. The entire view is HTML/Javascript/Jquery with Navigo and Handlebars. (In retrospect, it would have been better to use Vue.js)
Plain REST services on the server.
- Run the app with the local profile.
- Go to the url: localhost:8080/#!/login
- Put in username "admin" password "admin"
- Add a new page.
- Use the WYSIWYG editor to add content, attach images, and insert embedded videos.
- Publish the page
- Go back to the home page and see the content listed there.
All templates start with a root "Page" which has all the necessary javascript imports and container objects which are filled by templates.
To register a page:
var page = new Framework.Page(null, ['main-content']);
The above code does the following:
Creates a new page with auto-detection on root URL (null)
Defines all containers which may take a template (['main-content'])
To add a route:
'main-content': 'test'
function(params, callback) {
callback({'message': 'Hello, World!'});
The above code does the following:
Creates a new route on the root path ("/")
Defines which templates should be used in each container. In this example, the template "templates/test.html" will be used in the main-content container.
Defines an init function that defines the complete data model of the page. In this example, a single message field is added to the scope.
After routes have been added, ensure the page starts running:
The above code does the following:
- Starts the Navigo routing engine.