Machine readable version of Handbook of the Mammals of the World
Physical copies of Handbook of the Mammals of the World are a valuable taxonomic resource for mammals.
This repository uses Plazi digitized versions of these physical copies to generate hmw.json, and hmw.csv. For your convenience, the first 10 records can be found hmw-sample.json, hmw-sample-pretty.json and hmw-sample.csv. The json and files are derived from a Preston tracked version of Plazi's treatment bank available via You can find a copy of a tracked copy of this in the Releases section of this repository. The csv files are generated using jq using schema.jq and Miller (
function track {
preston track
function build {
time preston ls\
| preston plazi-stream\
| grep "Handbook of the Mammals of the World"\
| gzip\
> hmw.json.gz
function convert {
time cat hmw.json.gz\
| gunzip\
| jq -f schema.jq\
| mlr --ijson --ocsv cat\
| tee hmw.csv
Please see release attachment
for underlying data.
$ preston history
<urn:uuid:0659a54f-b713-4f86-a917-5be166a14110> <> <hash://sha256/d6da1046ce43d4fc1faf5aae720e29959e3040c9e39c23b146a73388efd2e33d> .
<hash://sha256/42acbae7c1795639c62d2250a0e88b3c701cae09dcaa5decc20dd954686e6811> <> <hash://sha256/d6da1046ce43d4fc1faf5aae720e29959e3040c9e39c23b146a73388efd2e33d> .
<hash://sha256/8afcba2b406223349e3fac8deb089c088c590b44c5ea8a09f6868dca886127c5> <> <hash://sha256/42acbae7c1795639c62d2250a0e88b3c701cae09dcaa5decc20dd954686e6811> .
and other content ids include:
$ preston ls\
| grep -o -E "hash://sha256/[0-9a-f]{64}"\
| sort\
| uniq