Toersten daily task is to drink beer and handle the people in Ödets discord!
When doing development run the command in the main folder to start the server:
python ["ID of bot, e.g. 0001"] ["password"]
To be able to run the bot locally you need the following moduals:
- pyppeteer==0.0.18
- discord#rewrite
- gpiozero All modules are installed via pip, but since the discor#rewrite isn't hosted on official repositorys you have to use this command instead:
pip install -U git+
- Check latency
- Check version
- React on certian comments
- Get course information from Ladok
- Bug report with notification to admins
- Locals bots for development and hosted bot for service
- Encryted bot IDs
- Automatically set user privileges according to their course attendance on Blackboard
- Create Youtube-playlist with Nolle-listan
- Update courses which has no courseID yet
Command | Description |
7: ping | Check latency |
7: version | Check bot version |
7: report | To report a bug or issue to admins |
7: unregister | To remove all information from discord |
7: help | Returns commands to write |
7: todo | Returns the todo-list (admins only) |
7: add | Adds a string to the todo-list (admin only) |
7: show | Shows various helpful link/source |
Command |
7: show wednesday/dudes |
7: show ok/oke/okej/okay |
7: show hot/willy |
7: show breakfast |
7: show friday/rebecca/black |
7: show ödet/livet/nordman |
7: show brittmarie |
7: show kazoo |
7: show subgap |
7: show hinkenhelp |
7: show git/github |
7: show help |
7: show topmeme |