A ReactJS component for drawing using hand movements in the air. Utilizes mediapipe/tfjs handpose detection ML models and react-webcam; requires a visible hand palm on camera.
npm install @my-curiosity/react-hand-draw
A canvas pointer corresponds to the index finger and an action is chosen depending on other fingers' distance to it:
- middle finger and thumb far away -> draw
- middle finger near -> point/ wait
- thumb near -> erase
Distances from IFT to IFP, MFT and TT points are calculated, the smallest of them determines action:
- IFT - IFP -> draw
- IFP - MFT -> point
- IFP - TT -> erase
(here IFT = index_finger_tip, IFP = index_finger_pip, MFT = middle_finger_tip, TT = thumb_tip as shown on this diagram)
All relevant points and distances are also shown on top of camera image for clarity. The smallest distance is displayed in green color.
Moving pointer to a color in the color picker at screen edge sets this color as currently active. Color picker can be customized or disabled using props.
The component also provides buttons for turning the camera on/off and clearing the entire canvas. Users have to enable the camera manually.
All props are optional, but can be useful for customization.
prop | type | default | notes |
webcamFps | number | 60 | webcam frames/second |
webcamMirrored | boolean | true | mirror webcam image |
webcamVisible | boolean | true | show webcam in component |
controlLightsVisible | boolean | true | show if webcam and detector model are ready using status lights |
detectorRuntime | "mediapipe" | "tfjs" | "mediapipe" | choose a detector model type |
canvasColorPickerPosition | "left" | "right" | "up" | "down" | "off" | "up" | choose color picker position ("off" to disable) |
canvasColorPickerSize | number | 18 | color picker size (default = 1/18 of the canvas) |
canvasColors | (string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern)[] | ["red", "pink", "white", "yellow", "green", "blue", "black"] | colors available for color picker |
canvasDefaultColor | string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern | "green" | default color |
"No Video" icon
LICENSE: CC0 License
Responsiveness: allow changing size of webcam and canvas HTML elements (only 640x480px for now), handle window resizing gracefully.
Make pointer size and line width configurable.
Add some screenshots.
Apache-2.0, see NOTICE and LICENSE.