Wedding Management System - UML Diagrams This repository contains a complete set of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams for the Wedding Management System project. These diagrams provide a visual representation of the system's architecture, components, and interactions, making it easier for developers and stakeholders to understand the structure and behavior of the system.
Included Diagrams: Use Case Diagram: Illustrates the interactions between users (e.g., Super Admin, System User, Agents, Customers) and the system, highlighting the key functionalities such as managing weddings, venues, planners, and handling bookings and payments. Class Diagram: Provides a detailed view of the system’s classes, their attributes, methods, and the relationships between them, including associations, aggregations, and compositions. It covers essential classes like User, Role, Permission, Planner, Venue, Wedding, Booking, and Payment. Sequence Diagram: (If included) Shows how objects in the system interact with each other in a specific sequence to carry out a function, such as processing a wedding booking or managing a venue. Activity Diagram: (If included) Represents the workflow of various processes within the system, like booking a venue or handling payments. State Diagram: (If included) Depicts the states an object goes through during its lifetime, particularly focusing on entities like Booking or Payment. Component Diagram: (If included) Visualizes the system's architecture in terms of components and their interdependencies, showing how different modules of the system interact with each other. Deployment Diagram: (If included) Outlines the physical deployment of the system, showing how software components are distributed across hardware nodes. Purpose: These UML diagrams are essential for understanding the system’s design and architecture. They serve as a blueprint for developers working on the Wedding Management System and are valuable for anyone interested in the system's technical details.
How to Use: Explore each diagram to understand the specific aspect of the system it represents. Use the diagrams as a reference for implementing, modifying, or extending the system. Collaborators and contributors can use these diagrams to quickly get up to speed with the system's structure and functionality. Feel free to explore the diagrams to get a comprehensive understanding of the Wedding Management System's architecture and design.
further diagrams will be added soon..........