What's Changed
- Separate fee handling for inner tx of type move balance by @sstanculeanu in #5627
- ChainSimulator: verify tx on send by @sstanculeanu in #6268
- Added fix for relayed move balance to non payables by @sstanculeanu in #6382
- Fixed Fee/InitiallyPaidFee fields by @sstanculeanu in #6335
- fixed missing scrs when multiple inner tx fail with the same error, caused by hash collision by @sstanculeanu in #6426
- Proper fix for gasUsed and fee in case of relayedV3 by @sstanculeanu in #6440
- Proper fix for fee/initially paid fee for relayed after fix by @sstanculeanu in #6454
- Added missing fields on the transaction/pool by-sender request by @sstanculeanu in #6039
- Append log events for all inner transactions failure by @sstanculeanu in #6176
Other Notable Changes
- Relayed v3 by @sstanculeanu in #5572
- ESDT v2 implementations on SystemSC - dynamic tokens and tokenType by @sasurobert in #5682
- Merge rc/v1.7.0 in feat/esdt improvements 30jan by @BeniaminDrasovean in #5892
- Mx 14997 overwrite config structs by @axenteoctavian in #5851
- esdt improvements integration by @BeniaminDrasovean in #5806
- Added the possibility to define more protocol IDs for p2p networks by @iulianpascalau in #5897
- Update rc v1.7.0 rc v1.7.next1 2024.02.13 by @iulianpascalau in #5957
- use create with retries in persister factory by @ssd04 in #5797
- Persister tmp file path by @ssd04 in #5995
- Merge rc 1.7.next1 to common persisters factory by @ssd04 in #6003
- Update to use latest storage version by @ssd04 in #6010
- Merge.1.7.1 esdtv2 6 mar by @sasurobert in #6023
- Feat/refactor persister factory by @ssd04 in #6001
- Merge rc/v1.7.next1 in feat/esdt improvements 28mar by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6072
- Feat/esdt improvements by @BeniaminDrasovean in #5821
- Merge rc/v1.7.0 in rc/v1.7.next1 12apr by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6115
- TrieRecreate refactor by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6018
- Integrate new vm-common: events for "claim developer rewards" by @andreibancioiu in #6117
- Integrate vm improve 1.5.5 by @sasurobert in #6139
- Chain simulator updates for sovereign by @axenteoctavian in #6150
- Adjust workflow runners (MacOS) by @andreibancioiu in #6162
chain simulator
force change of epoch by @miiu96 in #6173- Chain simulator custom transactions sender component by @iulianpascalau in #6182
- Update feat chain simulator by @miiu96 in #6212
- Chain simulator tests refactor by @axenteoctavian in #6217
- Update feat chain simulator 30.05 by @miiu96 in #6221
- update-chain-simulator-31-05 by @miiu96 in #6226
feat/chain simulator improvements
by @miiu96 in #6184- FIX: Destination shard id in chain simulator for meta chain addresses by @mariusmihaic in #6238
- ESDT improvements chain simulator tests and fixes by @ssd04 in #6194
- Update enable epochs flags by @ssd04 in #6225
- Remove consensus group size chain simulator by @miiu96 in #6248
- do not allow NFTs to be upgraded to dynamic by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6250
- add more testing scenarios by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6263
- ESDT improvements integration tests part2 + fixes by @ssd04 in #6262
- Add esdt token type api by @ssd04 in #6242
- Token type in altered accounts by @miiu96 in #6220
- Proposer optimisation by @AdoAdoAdo in #6186
- added map support for over writable configs by @axenteoctavian in #6116
- Extend delegation log events by @miiu96 in #6292
- update dependencies by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6317
- ESDT Improvements integration tests by @ssd04 in #6284
- fixed error on withKeys by @raduchis in #6247
- added egld with multi transfer scenario by @ssd04 in #6313
- Change receivers ids relayed v3 and multi transfer integration by @miiu96 in #6302
- cleanup proposal misses by @AdoAdoAdo in #6161
- Optimize "DisplayProcessTxDetails": Early exit if log level is not TRACE by @andreibancioiu in #6322
- Extra parameter chain simulator by @miiu96 in #6320
- Multi transfer execute by user flag by @sasurobert in #6334
- Fix missing role + Use setSpecialRole function in tests by @ssd04 in #6350
- White list data verifier fixes chain simulator by @miiu96 in #6330
- Dynamic roles singular by @ssd04 in #6357
- even newer wasmer by @sasurobert in #6365
- gh-action: Integrate system tests execution for each PR by @btc-fan in #6377
- New endpoint /transaction/scrs-by-tx-hash/:txHash by @miiu96 in #6373
- fix gh action by @btc-fan in #6387
- fix some tests and add more checks by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6383
- latest indexer version by @miiu96 in #6395
- Keygen workflow remove pull request action trigger by @danidrasovean in #6410
- Merge master rc1.7.next1 20 08 2024 by @sasurobert in #6398
- update go mod and tests by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6409
- update go mod by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6425
- add testing scenarios and update go mod by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6434
- update go mod and refactor some tests by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6458
- Optimize GH workflows by @andreibancioiu in #6487
- update vm common version and add integration tests by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6488
- add more integration tests by @BeniaminDrasovean in #6522
- fix for workflow by @sstanculeanu in #6551
- new version of mx-chain-comm-go by @miiu96 in #6550
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.7.13-patch2...v1.8.4