This repository aims to provide a basic terraform template to create and manage your Anypoint MQ components:
- Queues
- Exchanges
- Binding rules
Run the following command to initialize terraform:
terraform init
The template comes with a set of variables that allows you to:
- Authenticating using a connected app or an access token
- Define the Anypoint Platform Control plane to use
- Define where your input files location
- Set defautl values for the different components
The script expects 4 files as input. Each file represents a set of specfic type of Anypont MQ component:
- queues.json: defines a list of queues to be created
- dlq.json: defines a list of dead letter queues to be created
- exchanges.json: defines a list of exchanges to be created
- bindings.json: defines the list of bindings between exchanges and queues along with their rules
This file is used to create queues only, it should contain a list of elements with the following format:
"name": "AMQ02",
"environments": [
"region": "us-west-2", //optional, if not present var.region is used
"default_ttl": 65123131, //optional, if not present var.q_default_ttl is used
"default_lock_ttl": 123, //optional, if not present var.q_default_lock_ttl is used
"default_delivery_delay": 0, //optional, if not present var.q_default_delivery_delay is used
"fifo": true, //optional, if not present var.q_fifo is used
"encrypted": true, //optional, if not present var.q_encrypted is used
"dlq": "DLQ01", //optional
"max_deliveries": 10, //optional, can only be used if dlq is used
This file is used to create dead letter queues only. The format should be as follow:
"name": "DLQ01",
"environments": [
"region": "us-west-2", //optional, if not present var.region is used
"fifo": true, //optional, if not present var.dlq_fifo is used
"encrypted": true //optional, if not present var.dlq_encrypted is used
This file is used to create exchanges only. The format is as follows:
"name": "MyExchange",
"environments": [
"region": "us-west-2", //optional, if not present var.region is used
"encrypted": true //optional, if not present var.ex_encrypted is used
This file is used to create bindings only. The format is as follows:
"exchange": "MyExchange",
"queue": "Q01",
"environments": [
"region": "us-west-2", //optional, if not present var.region is used
"rule": { //optional
"name": "rule_num_compare", //required, should use specific rules check below for more info
"property_name": "nbr_horses",
"property_type": "NUMERIC",
"matcher_type": "GT",
"value": 12
The rule object is optional, be when provided, all properties are required should be as follow:
- name: the name of the value to use, there is a predefined set of rules that you should select from:
- rule_num_compare: compares NUMERIC types to NUMERIC values only. More info.
- rule_num_set: compares NUMERIC types to a set of NUMERIC values. More info.
- rule_num_state: compares NUMERIC types existance. More info.
- rule_str_compare: compares STRING types to STRING values only. More info.
- rule_str_set: compares STRING type to a set of STRING values. More info.
- rule_str_state: compares STRING existance. More info.
- property_name: the property name subject of the rule
- property_type: can either be NUEMRIC or STRING depending on the type of the rule.
- matcher_type: the operation to perform on the property. More info on each type of rule to see available options.
- value: The value against which the operation will be performed.
Following is the list of available variables
Title | Description | Example |