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mudkip989 committed Oct 22, 2024
1 parent d36b80c commit 79a0ad4
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@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
package us.mudkip989.mods.nbs_extensions.client.nbs;

import us.mudkip989.mods.nbs_extensions.client.nbs.exceptions.*;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

// Credit to
public class NBSDecoder {

public static SongData parse(File songFile) throws IOException, OutdatedNBSException {
try {
return parse(new FileInputStream(songFile), songFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return null;

private static SongData parse(InputStream inputStream, File songFile) throws IOException, OutdatedNBSException {
String title = "";
String author = "";
String file = songFile.getName();
float speed = 0f;
float actualSpeed = 0f;
short timeSignature = 4;
int loopTick = 0;
int loopCount = 0;
int vanillaInstruments = 9;

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder layerStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
short length = readShort(dataInputStream);
int nbsversion = 0;
if (length == 0) {
nbsversion = dataInputStream.readByte();
vanillaInstruments = dataInputStream.readByte();
if (nbsversion >= 3) {
length = readShort(dataInputStream);
} else if (nbsversion == 1 || nbsversion == 2) {
throw new OutdatedNBSException();
short layers = readShort(dataInputStream); //song height
title = readString(dataInputStream); //title
author = readString(dataInputStream); //author
readString(dataInputStream); //original author
String description = readString(dataInputStream); //description
actualSpeed = readShort(dataInputStream); //speed
speed = actualSpeed / 100f; //speed
dataInputStream.readBoolean(); //autosave
dataInputStream.readByte(); //autosave duration
timeSignature = dataInputStream.readByte(); //time signature
readInt(dataInputStream); //minutes spent
readInt(dataInputStream); //left clicks
readInt(dataInputStream); //right clicks
readInt(dataInputStream); //blocks added
readInt(dataInputStream); //nlocks removed
readString(dataInputStream); // mid or schematic filename
if (nbsversion >= 4) {
dataInputStream.readByte(); //loop on/off
loopCount = dataInputStream.readByte(); //loop count
loopTick = readShort(dataInputStream); //loop start tick

short tick = -1;
String[][] addStringList = new String[layers][length + 1];
int[][] instrumentList = new int[layers][length + 1];
int[][] pitchList = new int[layers][length + 1];
int[][] finepitchList = new int[layers][length + 1];
int[][] velocityList = new int[layers][length + 1];
int[][] panningList = new int[layers][length + 1];
boolean[] columnExistence = new boolean[length + 1];
boolean[][] noteExistence = new boolean[layers][length + 1];
boolean firstNoted = false;

while (true) { //Read notes
short t = readShort(dataInputStream);
if (t == 0) {
tick += t;

columnExistence[tick] = true;

short layer = -1;
while (true) {
short jumpLayers = readShort(dataInputStream);
if (jumpLayers == 0) {
layer += jumpLayers;
byte instrument = dataInputStream.readByte();
byte note = dataInputStream.readByte();
byte velocity = 100;
int panning = 100;
short finepitch = 0;
if (nbsversion >= 4) {
velocity = dataInputStream.readByte();
panning = Byte.toUnsignedInt(dataInputStream.readByte());
finepitch = readShort(dataInputStream);

instrumentList[layer][tick] = instrument;
pitchList[layer][tick] = note;
finepitchList[layer][tick] = finepitch;
velocityList[layer][tick] = velocity;
panningList[layer][tick] = panning;
noteExistence[layer][tick] = true;

for (int i = 0; i < layers; i++) { //Read layer data

String name = readString(dataInputStream);

if (nbsversion >= 4) {

byte volume = dataInputStream.readByte();
int panning = 100;

if (nbsversion >= 2) {
panning = Byte.toUnsignedInt(dataInputStream.readByte());

for (int currentTick = 0; currentTick < length + 1; currentTick++) {
boolean noteExists = noteExistence[i][currentTick];
if (noteExists) {

int noteVelocity = velocityList[i][currentTick];
int notePanning = panningList[i][currentTick];

double averageVelocity = noteVelocity * (volume / 100d);
double averagePanning = (notePanning + panning) / 2d;

double preFinalPanning = (averagePanning - 100) / 50;

String finalVelocity = new BigDecimal(averageVelocity).setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR).stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString();
String finalPanning = new BigDecimal(preFinalPanning).setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR).stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString();

String finalString;
if (preFinalPanning == 0) {
finalString = "," + finalVelocity;
} else {
finalString = "," + finalVelocity + "," + finalPanning;
addStringList[i][currentTick] = finalString;

String finalLayerVolume = new BigDecimal(volume).setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR).stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString();
String finalLayerPanning = new BigDecimal(panning).setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR).stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString();


int customInstruments = 0;
customInstruments = dataInputStream.readByte();

int[] customPitchList = new int[customInstruments];
String[] customNameList = new String[customInstruments];

if (customInstruments >= 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < customInstruments; i++) {
int instrumentOffset = vanillaInstruments + customInstruments;
int instrumentPitch = 0;

customNameList[i] = readString(dataInputStream); //Instrument name
readString(dataInputStream); //Sound file

instrumentPitch = dataInputStream.readByte(); //Sound pitch

customPitchList[i] = instrumentPitch;

dataInputStream.readByte(); //Press key


for (int currentTick = 0; currentTick < length + 1; currentTick++) {
boolean columnExists = columnExistence[currentTick];
if (columnExists) {
StringBuilder columnStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (!firstNoted) {
columnStringBuilder.append(currentTick + 1);
firstNoted = true;
} else {
columnStringBuilder.append("=").append(currentTick + 1);
boolean firstAppend = true;
for (int i = 0; i < layers; i++) {
boolean noteExists = noteExistence[i][currentTick];
if (noteExists) {
String laterNoteString = addStringList[i][currentTick];

int noteInstrument = instrumentList[i][currentTick];
int noteKey = pitchList[i][currentTick];
int noteFinePitch = finepitchList[i][currentTick];
int noteKeyOffset = 0;

if (noteInstrument >= vanillaInstruments) {
int instrumentId = noteInstrument - vanillaInstruments;
noteKeyOffset = customPitchList[instrumentId] - 45;
if (firstAppend) {
columnStringBuilder.append(":").append(noteInstrument + 1).append(",").append(getMinecraftPitch(noteKey + (double) noteFinePitch / 100d, noteKeyOffset)).append(laterNoteString);
firstAppend = false;
} else {
columnStringBuilder.append(";").append(noteInstrument + 1).append(",").append(getMinecraftPitch(noteKey + (double) noteFinePitch / 100d, noteKeyOffset)).append(laterNoteString);

return new SongData(title, author, speed, (int) Math.ceil((length + 1.0) / (4 * timeSignature)) * (4 * timeSignature), stringBuilder.toString(), file, layerStringBuilder.toString(), (loopTick + 1), loopCount, customInstruments, customNameList);

private static short readShort(DataInputStream dataInputStream) throws IOException {
int byte1 = dataInputStream.readUnsignedByte();
int byte2 = dataInputStream.readUnsignedByte();
return (short) (byte1 + (byte2 << 8));

private static int readInt(DataInputStream dataInputStream) throws IOException {
int byte1 = dataInputStream.readUnsignedByte();
int byte2 = dataInputStream.readUnsignedByte();
int byte3 = dataInputStream.readUnsignedByte();
int byte4 = dataInputStream.readUnsignedByte();
return (byte1 + (byte2 << 8) + (byte3 << 16) + (byte4 << 24));

private static String readString(DataInputStream dataInputStream) throws IOException {
int length = readInt(dataInputStream);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(length);
for (; length > 0; --length) {
char c = (char) dataInputStream.readByte();
if (c == (char) 0x0D) {
c = ' ';
return builder.toString();

private static int getMinecraftPitch(double key, double offset) {

if (key < 33) key -= 9;
else if (key > 57) key -= 57;
else key -= 33;

key += offset;

double finalValue = (0.5 * (Math.pow(2, (key / 12)))) * 1000;

return (int) finalValue;

public SongData parse(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException, OutdatedNBSException {
return parse(inputStream, null);

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