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This is a program to cast your macOS audio, or Linux audio to your Google Cast devices.

It is written in Python, and it can stream via node.js, parec (Linux), ffmpeg, or avconv. mkchromecast is capable of using lossy and lossless audio formats provided that ffmpeg, avconv (Linux), or parec (Linux) are installed. Additionally, a system tray menu is available.

By default, mkchromecast streams with node.js (or parec in Linux) together with mp3 audio coding format at a sample rate of 44100Hz and average bitrate of 192k. These defaults can be changed using the --sample-rate and -b flags. It is useful to modify these parameters when your wireless router is not very powerful, or in the case you don't want to degrade the sound quality. For more information visit the wiki, and the FAQ.

For Linux, you can optionally install ffmpeg (or avconv) (more information here). Note that sometimes the lag between playing a song and hearing may be up to 8 seconds for certain backends.

Tell me more about it

To have an idea of using mkchromecast from console check this gif.

mkchromecast provides a beta system tray menu. It requires you to install PyQt5. For more information check the Requirements and Install sections.

The system tray menu looks like:




Check these images:



In order to use mkchromecast you need the following software to stream with node.js:

  • Python2 (already shipped in OS X), or Python3.
  • pychromecast.
  • psutil.
  • mutagen.
  • Soundflower.
  • PyQt5 (optional if you want to use the system tray menu).

For more control, you need ffmpeg as backend. In that case install the following:

  • flask (optional).
  • ffmpeg (optional).
  • youtube-dl (option if you plan to cast youtube URLs).


  • Pulseaudio.
  • Python2, or Python3.
  • pychromecast.
  • psutil.
  • mutagen.
  • flask.
  • vorbis-tools.
  • sox.
  • lame.
  • flac.
  • faac.
  • ffmpeg (optional).
  • avconv (optional).
  • PyQt5 (optional if you want to use the system tray menu).
  • youtube-dl (option if you plan to cast youtube URLs).


There are two ways of installing this application:

  1. Using the binaries.
  2. From sources.



There is a standalone application for macOS users. You need to drag it to your /Applications/ folder.

Download the latest dmg here. You need also to install Soundflower.

Homebrew Cask

If you are using homebrew, it is possible to install the binary as follows:

brew cask install mkchromecast

If you find any problem with the application, please report it here.

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu

Download the latest deb package here, and install it as follows:

sudo dpkg -i mkchromecast_$VERSION_all.deb

where $VERSION = X.Y.Z-Rev, e.g.: 0.2.6-1. Then, if the dependencies are not available you have to do:

sudo apt-get -f install

This should work in Debian Unstable and Testing. I would appreciate Ubuntu testers as well. If you find any problems, please report it here.

From sources

To install mkchromecast, clone this repository:

git clone

Or you may download one of the stable releases here, and unzip the file.


To install the python requirements use the requirements.txt file shipped in this repository:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: if this step fails, maybe you need to run the installation with sudo as shown below. However, before installing using this method verify why a regular user cannot install the requirements.

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Linux users can try to install these python requirements using the package managers coming with their distributions.

Example for Debian based distros:

sudo apt-get install python2.7 python-pip python-pychromecast python-flask python-psutil python-setuptools python-mutagen python-gi vorbis-tools sox lame flac faac opus-tools
Soundflower (macOS users only)

For Soundflower you can check and just download the latest dmg file.

If you have Homebrew you can use brew cask as follows:

brew cask install soundflower

By default, the sample rate in Soundflower is set to 44100Hz. If you desire to stream at higher sample rates follow the instructions in the wiki.

Note: re-sampling to higher sample rates is not a good idea. It was indeed an issue in chromecast audio devices. See this thread. Therefore, if you want to go beyond 44100Hz you have to capture the sound at a higher sample rate.

ffmpeg or avconv

The easiest way of installing ffmpeg is using a package manager, e.g.: brew, macports or fink. Or in the case of Linux, e.g.: apt, yum, or pacman.


I will briefly describe the case of Homebrew here. First, you will need Homebrew installed in your machine:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Once Homebrew is ready, you can install ffmpeg. As stated in the ffmpeg website, and for being able to use all audio coding formats in mkchromecast, it is better to install ffmpeg with the following options enabled:

brew install ffmpeg --with-fdk-aac --with-ffplay --with-freetype --with-libass --with-libquvi --with-libvorbis --with-libvpx --with-opus --with-x265

mkchromecast does not support avconv in macOS.


As I use Debian, the way of installing ffmpeg is:

apt-get install ffmpeg

or avconv

apt-get install libav-tools

Audio coding formats available with parec, ffmpeg and avconv backends

Audio coding format Description Notes
mp3 MPEG Audio Layer III (default) Lossy compression format (default bitrate: 192k)
ogg Ogg Vorbis Lossy compression format (default bitrate: 192k)
aac Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) Lossy compression format (default bitrate: 192k)
wav Waveform Audio File Format Lossless format (HQ sound)
flac Free Lossless Audio Codec Lossless format (HQ sound)

These Python bindings are needed if you intend to use the system tray menu. As of today April 28th, pip is able to install PyQt5. Therefore, you can do a pip install pyqt5.

If this does not work for you, I suggest you to install it using a package manager.


Example with Homebrew:

brew install pyqt5 --with-python
  • Debian

For Python2:

apt-get install python-pyqt5

For Python3:

apt-get install python3-pyqt5

or if you desire it you can do it yourself from the sources.


To update mkchromecast sources, just get into the cloned directory and:

git pull

or if you prefer it, you can just pass the --update argument to mkchromecast:

python --update

If you are using the macOS application, download the latest dmg here, and replace the in your /Applications/ directory.

Linux users need to download the latest deb here, and dpkg -i mkchromecast_$VERSION_all.deb.


Get into the cloned mkchromecast directory and execute:


This will launch mkchromecast using node.js (or parec for Linux users), and will do the streaming part together with the mp3 audio coding format. node.js works decently but the server tends to fail under certain situations. In such a case, mkchromecast is able to restart the streaming/casting process automatically. So, some hiccups are expected.

Note: most of the steps described herein are the same for macOS and Linux users. However, if you launch the command above in Linux, the process is less automatized. In Linux, you need to select with pavucontrol the sink called mkchromecast to stream. See the wiki for more information. tl;dr?, just check the gif below.

Example of using mkchromecast

Note: the cast process is independent from the selection of the pulseaudio sink. This means that mkchromecast will tell the cast device to listen your computer but no sound will be heard until you select the sink.

Using the ffmpeg backend with mkchromecast installed from sources

Below an example using mp3:

python --encoder-backend ffmpeg

With ffmpeg you can modify the codec:

python --encoder-backend ffmpeg -c aac

change the bitrate and sample rate:

python --encoder-backend ffmpeg -c mp3 -b 128 --sample-rate 31000

check the section Soundflower (macOS users only) for more about sample rates.

Other examples with mkchromecast installed using the debian package

To cast using parec and wav audio coding format:

mkchromecast -c wav

There is also an option to change the bitrate, and in this case with ffmpeg:

mkchromecast --encoder-backend ffmpeg -c ogg -b 128

and another one to change the sampling rate:

mkchromecast --encoder-backend ffmpeg -c ogg -b 128 --sample-rate 48000

Note: to use avconv just replace from ffmpeg to avconv in the commands above.

Using mkchromecast from the system tray

To launch it:

python -t


mkchromecast -t

The system tray application can perform all the actions from the aforementioned commands. To get an idea, please check the Youtube video here.

Playing Youtube URLs in Google Cast TV

You can play Youtube URLs headlessly from the command line:

python -y\?v\=NVvAJhZVBT

To use this function, you need to install youtube-dl. In macOS, this can be done with homebrew: brew install youtube-dl. In Debian based distros: apt-get install youtube-dl.

Note: you may need to enclose the URL between quotation marks.

Controlling the Google Cast's volume

You can control the volume of your Google Cast device by launching mkchromecast with the option --volume:

python --encoder-backend ffmpeg -c ogg -b 320 --volume

This will allow you to press u and d keys for volume up and volume down respectively.

The system tray has a window with a volume slider to do volume up and volume down.

More help

To get more help:

python -h

or when installing the debian package:

mkchromecast -h

Killing the application

To kill mkchromecast when you run it from console, there are two ways of doing it: if you didn't use the --volume option, just press Ctrl-C. Otherwise, you will need to press the q key to quit.

When launching from system tray, use the Quit button in the system tray.

Known issues


No new issues reported.


When using parec and lame encoder, the delay between audio played and listened can be up to 8 seconds. I suggest you to use something different than mp3.

You can also check the FAQ for more information.


  • Verify all exceptions when the system tray menu fails.
  • More eye candy.
  • Check that the index of the cast selected is correctly passed in the system tray.
  • Video?.


If you want to contribute, help me improving this application by reporting issues, creating pull requests, or you may also buy me some pizza :).
