A simple, unofficial Foundry VTT system for Evil Hat Productions's Monster of the Week.
The text from Monster of the Week used in this system is copyright Evil Hat Productions and Generic Games. Used with permission.
In your Foundry VTT instance:
- Enter "Setup" mode
- Go to the "Game Systems" tab
- Click "Install System"
- In the "Filter Packages" field in the upper right, search for "Monster/Week"
- Click "Install" on the entry that shows up
See https://foundryvtt.com/packages/monsterweek/ for details about the Foundry package.
- Basic hunter/move/gear sheets
- Rollable ratings: click on the Cool/Tough/Charm/etc. header on the hunter sheet to see the roll in the chat window, with a header for "total success", "mixed success", or "failure".
- Compendium entries for basic and hunter moves from the core MotW rulebook.
- A "Playbook Templates" compendium with starter sheets for the basic set of Hunter types. The "Background" and "Bonuses/Holds" tabs of the sheets include extra hunter info.
Doesn't include:
- First-class tracking for advancements, although the "Bonuses/Holds" tab in the template sheets include free-form text for tracking them.
- Ways to represent hunter-specific concepts like
the Pararomantic's "Relationship status" track, the Hex's Rotes, or
the Spell-Slinger's spells
- You could use "Gear" entries to represent rotes/spells
- Relationship status or other similar things could live as freeform text in the Background or Bonuses/Holds tabs.
Not a lot, but enough to get a game going. Feel free to file issues, or send pull requests or translations! This is my first javascript thing, so I'll do my best. :)
This system is released under the MIT license described in LICENSE.txt, and its copyright belongs to its contributors.
Forked from the Simple Worldbuilding System.
Create by creating an actor, and choosing "hunter" as the type.
To change the value of a rating ("Cool", "Tough", etc.), type in the number and hit enter. Rating values are restricted to the range from -1 to +3 based on the rules.
To roll, click the rating word ("Cool", etc.) at the top of the sheet. The chat message will tell you what kind of success/failure it was.
Increase or decrease marks on the Harm/Luck/etc. tracks by clicking on the left or right ends; no need to click on exactly the next box, though that works too.
The "Background" and "Bonuses/Holds" tabs are freeform text, for keeping track of stuff that isn't fully supported by the system.
Create by using the "+" icon in the header of the Moves list on the Hunter sheet, or creating a new item in the "Items" chat tab and selecting "move" as the type.
You can also drag in Moves from the included compendiums.
If the move typically requires rolling a specific rating, you can select it in the drop-down at the top, and it will appear as a chip on the hunter sheet which can be clicked to roll that rating
Create by using the "+" icon in the headers of the Weapons/Armor/Gear sections on the Hunter sheet, or creating a new item in the "Items" chat tab and selecting "weapon"/"armor"/"gear" as the type.
Tags are space-separated, and will appear as chips on the hunter sheet.
- Fonts:
- The book uses https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/protype/lavah-pro/grunge/
- Similar free fonts: https://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=107
- Handwriting fonts for the ratings values: https://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=605&text=%2B1+-2+%2B3+0
- Typewriter fonts for names: https://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=113&text=Kick+Some+Ass
- Copy text in the book: https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/adobe/warnock/bold-capt/
- The book uses https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/protype/lavah-pro/grunge/
- Luck:
- Add a spot for the hunter luck rules; maybe pop it up when clicking the "Luck" label. E.g., "Crooked special: Whenever you spend a Luck point, someone from your past will re-appear in your life. Soon." (See "updated luck rules" playbooks at https://www.evilhat.com/home/monster-of-the-week-resources/)
- Moves:
- Structure the 10+/7-9/fail text so it can be displayed in chat
- Would be cool to automatically add holds, though that could get annoying if most of the holds are used immediately; may be better to do it in chat with a button to remember the hold for later.
- Some gear can provide custom moves. Would be nice if owning that gear added the move to the owner's list.
- Leveling up can change basic moves to Advanced Moves (p122) which gives them extra effects on 12+.
- Hunter specials
- The Hex's Rotes (spells). Could treat them as special moves, since they follow from Use Magic, or could create a new type of thing for them. Could still appear in the Moves tab, just under a Rotes section
- Pararomantic's "Relationship status" track
- Spell-slinger has spells with tags, and some provide both harm and armor. A new category beyond armor/weapon/gear? Or do we mix them all together and maybe cluster by "magic", "#-harm", "#-armor", etc.
- Armor
- Would be nice to roll up all armor into a single top-level view, adding all N-armor and highlight tags like 'magic'. Clicking on it would switch to the gear/armor tab.
- Misc
- Big "DOOMED" stamp across avatar when luck is completely full