A RESTful API built using .NET Core. This API will be built to the highest possible level, level 3 maturity, based on the Richardson Maturity Model.
Uses it's implementing protocol like a transport protocol. It uses one entry point URI and one kind of method. Similar to SOAP and XML-RPC.
Introduces Resources. Rather than making all our requests to a single URI endpoint we start talking to individual resources.
In level 0 and level 1 HTTP POST verbs are used for the majority of interactions, however GETs can be used too as they are only being used to tunnel interactions. Level 2 moves away from this tunnelling style and uses the HTTP verbs as closely as possible to how they are used in HTTP itself.
Level 3, the highest level introduces discoverability to our API by utilising HATEOS (Hypermedia As The Engine of Application State)
Martin Fowler provides a detailed overview of the Richardson Maturity Model.