On the project, the following terraform providers used:
The project has three modules:
- networking: Deploy networking services such as VPC, Application Loadbalancer(ALB), Internet gateway, NAT gateway, Security Groups, and subnets.
- computing: Deploy the Autoscaling group, which deploys bastion hosts and webservers through Availability Zones (AZs).
- aws_logs: Deploy S3 bucket for ALB access logs
To deploy the project, you will need an AWS account to follow along.The profile
attribute on providers.tf refers to the AWS Config File in ~/.aws/credentials
on MacOS and Linux. It is HashiCorp recommended practice that credentials never be hardcoded into *.tf configuration files.
To verify an AWS profile and ensure Terraform has correct provider credentials, install the AWS CLI and run aws configure
. The AWS CLI will then verify and save your AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. You can deploy the project locally or on Terraform Cloud as follow.
Generate an authentication key to connect to EC2 instances after infrastructure creation on your local environment:
ssh-keygen -f tf_cloud_demo
And now note the public key, tf_cloud_demo.pub
and put it as public_key
default value on variables.tf. There is two way to run this project:
- Local Environment
- Terraform Cloud
On the first local deployment, install Terraform and using bellow command to initialize a new Terraform working directory by creating initial files, downloading modules, etc.
terraform init
Generate an execution plan for Terraform. execution plan can be reviewed before running apply to get a sense for what Terraform will do:
terraform plan -out terraform.out
The plan can be saved to terraform.out
plan file, and apply to take the plan file to execute plan exactly:
terraform apply "terraform.out"
now you can access to Nginx web pages using alb_dns_name
that's the last step output:
curl <alb_dns_name>
And use your key to connect to bastion hosts:
ssh -i <private key> ec2-user@<bastion host public IP>
Terraform Cloud is a service that makes it easy for teams to manage shared infrastructure with Terraform. The Terraform Cloud application, located at https://app.terraform.io, provides a UI and API to manage Terraform projects. Terraform Cloud offers a number of core features for free, as well as additional features in paid tiers. You can see a feature comparison here. When you host your project with Terraform Cloud, you can:
- Integrate with most popular version control systems.
- Manage your project's state, including state locking.
- Plan and apply configuration changes from within the Terraform Cloud UI.
- Securely store variables, including secret values.
- Store and use private Terraform modules.
- Collaborate with other users.
For start point, create your terraform cloud account, create and setup workspace and at last, apply Configuration changes the projet and enjoy Terraform Cloud!
Name | Description | Type | Default |
aws_region | AWS Region for deploy infrastructure | string |
us-east-1 |
cidr_block | Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) CIDR block | string | |
availability_zones | Availability Zones list | list |
us-east-1a , us-east-1b |
dmz_public_cidrs | public CIDR blocks | list | , |
app_private_cidrs | private CIDR blocks | list | , |
accessip | access IP address that want to access | string | |
public_key | Public key that should use when want to connecting to bastion hosts | string |
N/A |
s3_bucket_name | ALB logs s3 bucket name | string |
tfclouddemo |
Name | Description |
alb_dns_name | Application Loadbalancer Endpoint URL |