a pipeline to delimit sex-linked regions in chromosome-scale genome assemblies, using re-sequencing data of males and females
starting from a genome .fasta and fastq reads, generates 15 statistics in windows along the genome:
log2 ratio of total normalised male over total normalised female read depth
count of alignments for female-specific kmers (16-mers), aligned with 1 mismatch
count of alignments for male-specific kmers (16-mers), aligned with 1 mismatch
nucleotide diversity pi in the females
nucleotide diversity pi in the males
Fst between males and females
absolute sequence divergence (dxy) between males and females
average linkage disequilibrium (LD, r2) in the whole population of males and females
GWAS / count of significantly sex-associated variants
heterozygosity in males
heterozygosity in females
sequence divergence (%) between Z-like and W-like "phased" candidate gametologs
sequence divergence (%) between X-like and Y-like "phased" candidate gametologs
net divergence of the sexes = absolute sequence divergence (dxy) - pi in the females
net divergence of the sexes = absolute sequence divergence (dxy) - pi in the males
git clone https://github.com/mscharmann/sexdelim
conda create --name delimit_sexregions
conda activate delimit_sexregions
conda install snakemake=5.4 scipy bwa samtools bedtools seqtk vcftools bcftools tabix plink parallel freebayes -y
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c defaults vcflib -y
conda install -c conda-forge r-ggplot2 r-cowplot -y
conda env create --file delimit_sexregions.2021-06-30.yml
wget -P scripts https://github.com/ChnMasterOG/KmerGO/releases/download/v1.5.0/KmerGO_for_linux_x64_cmd.zip
cd scripts
unzip KmerGO_for_linux_x64_cmd.zip
rm KmerGO_for_linux_x64_cmd.zip
cd KmerGO_for_linux_x64_cmd
mv KmerGO_for_cmd KmerGO
chmod +x KmerGO
chmod +x bin/kmc
chmod +x bin/kmc_tools
chmod +x bin/kmc_dump
chmod +x bin/cap3
cd ../../
wget -P scripts https://gist.githubusercontent.com/travc/0c53df2c8eca81c3ebc36616869930ec/raw/eff3032ca7c955ca33bffd8758092e4006949c75/split_ref_by_bai_datasize.py
This file should be mostly self-explanatory and also contains some comments. Further important points are:
- popmap = 2-column tab-sep file listing samples with assignment as 1 (M) or 2 (F)
- samples_reads_map = a table listing the samples and "mapping" to their corresponding fastq files. Both absolute paths and paths relative to the working directory should be tolerated. Both single and paired-end data can be handled, also mixed. CAUTION: currently, each sample may have at most one file (one pair of read files). If the reads are split into several files (pairs of files), these must be concatenated before start.
- genome fasta file path
- regions_for_plot_bed: a BED file with a region of special interest, e.g. the sex chromosome. The pipeline produces statistics for all genomic windows and then extracts a subset (region). Plots will be made for all genomic windows, and for the subset region. This can be useful if the assembly contains many contigs that would make a messy plot.
- windowsize = length of intervals (windows) in which to split all statistics and plots. Most useful values are between 1000 and 100000.
- VCF_MIN_DEPTH: the default here is 6 (retain all genotypes with at least 6 reads covering the site). I would reduce to as low as 3, but not less.
There are two versions of the pipeline:
- Snakefile_varcall_freebayes: slow but possibly more accurate variant calling
- Snakefile_varcall_bcftools: at least 10 times faster but possibly less accurate variant calling; fine for most purposes.
snakemake --snakefile Snakefile_varcall_bcftools -j24 --keep-going --rerun-incomplete
snakemake --snakefile Snakefile_varcall_bcftools -j 500 --cluster-config cluster.axiom.json --cluster "sbatch -p {cluster.partition} -t {cluster.time} -c {cluster.CPUs} --mem={cluster.RAM_memory}" --restart-times 3 --keep-going --rerun-incomplete
snakemake --snakefile Snakefile_varcall_bcftools -j 500 --cluster-config cluster.EULER.json --cluster "bsub -W {cluster.time} -n {cluster.CPUs} -R {cluster.mem_and_span}" --restart-times 3 --keep-going --rerun-incomplete
- Inspect the PDF files and .txt tables with statistics in the directory results_processed.
- results_processed are specific for the given windowsize. If a different windowsize is desired, intermediate results in the directory results_raw can be used to generate these relatively quickly, without going back to the read data and variant-calling. Just move the directory results_raw, change the windowsize in config.yaml, and start the pipeline again exactly as before. I usually do this several times for window sizes 1 kb, 10 kb, 25 kb, 50 kb, 100 kb.
- If a different subset region for plotting is desired, there is no need to run the pipeline again, just subset the file calls/allstats.txt and call scripts/plot_allstats.R . For example, to plot only assembly sequences larger than 5 Gbp
seqtk comp data/genome_assembly.fa | awk '{{if($2>5000000) print $1"\t0\t"$2}}' > bigchroms.bed
bedtools intersect -wa -a calls/allstats.txt -b bigchroms.bed > subs.txt
Rscript scripts/plot_allstats.R subs.txt bigchroms.pdf
- cleaning up / archiving: Once the final stats for all desired windowsizes are produced, it makes sense to clean up large intermediate files. I suggest to keep only the config.yaml, the popmap and samples_reads_map, the results_processed, or if you have a bit of space, also results_raw. I would delete the large .BAM files and intermediate VCF files; in the worst case these can be re-calculated. To clean up in this way, run
rm -rf mapped_reads FB_chunks FB_chunk_VCFs FB_chunk_VCFs_filtered FB_regionsALL.bed normalization_coefficients.txt
rm -rf mapped_reads varcall_chunks varcall_chunk_VCFs varcall_chunk_VCFs_filtered varcall_regionsALL.bed normalization_coefficients.txt
- I would also get rid of the hidden .snakemake directory, unless you really need it. It can be quite large/numerous tiny files.
import numpy as np
import gzip
n_autosomes = 1
autosomes = []
for i in range(n_autosomes):
autosomes.append( "".join( np.random.choice(["A","C","T","G"], size = 600000, replace = True) ) )
the sexchroms are diverged by a 2 MB region between 2Mbp to 4 Mbp
- Y-hemizygous region 1 Mbp
- X-hemizygous region 1 Mbp => Y chrom is SHORTER
- X-Y gametolog region: divergence = 10%
- PARs on both sides.
Xchrom = "".join( np.random.choice(["A","C","T","G"], size = 600000, replace = True) )
construct the Ychrom: PAR-X_Y_gametolog_region-Y_hemizygous
1 100000 PAR1
100001 200000 X_Y_gametolog_region
200001 300000 Y-hemizygous
300001 500000 PAR2
and therefore the X chrom is: with the PAR2 being 4-6 Mbp on the X, but 3-5 Mb on the Y (because the X-hemiz is larger (2x) than the Y-hemiz region)
1 100000 PAR1
100001 200000 X_Y_gametolog_region
200001 400000 X-hemizygous
400001 600000 PAR2
X_Y_gametolog_region = list( Xchrom[100000:200000] )
snpsites = np.random.uniform(0, len(X_Y_gametolog_region), size = int(0.1*len(X_Y_gametolog_region)) )
print len(snpsites)
for s in snpsites:
s = int(s)
isnuc = X_Y_gametolog_region[s]
newnuc = np.random.choice([ x for x in ["A","C","T","G"] if not x == isnuc])
X_Y_gametolog_region[s] = newnuc
X_Y_gametolog_region = "".join(X_Y_gametolog_region)
Y_hemiz_region = "".join( np.random.choice(["A","C","T","G"], size = 100000, replace = True) )
Ychrom = Xchrom[:100000] + X_Y_gametolog_region + Y_hemiz_region + Xchrom[400000:]
with open("fakegenome.FEMALE.fa", "w") as O:
cnt = 0
for chr in autosomes:
cnt += 1
O.write(">chrom" + str(cnt) + "\n")
O.write(chr + "\n")
O.write(">chrom_X" + "\n")
O.write(Xchrom + "\n")
with open("fakegenome.FEMALE.diploid.fa", "w") as O:
cnt = 0
for chr in autosomes:
cnt += 1
O.write(">chrom" + str(cnt) + "_1" + "\n")
O.write(chr + "\n")
O.write(">chrom" + str(cnt) + "_2" + "\n")
O.write(chr + "\n")
O.write(">chrom_X" + "_1" + "\n")
O.write(Xchrom + "\n")
O.write(">chrom_X" + "_2" + "\n")
O.write(Xchrom + "\n")
with open("fakegenome.MALE.fa", "w") as O:
cnt = 0
for chr in autosomes:
cnt += 1
O.write(">chrom" + str(cnt) + "\n")
O.write(chr + "\n")
O.write(">chrom_Y" + "\n")
O.write(Ychrom + "\n")
with open("fakegenome.MALE.diploid.fa", "w") as O:
cnt = 0
for chr in autosomes:
cnt += 1
O.write(">chrom" + str(cnt) + "_1" + "\n")
O.write(chr + "\n")
O.write(">chrom" + str(cnt) + "_2" + "\n")
O.write(chr + "\n")
O.write(">chrom_Y" + "\n")
O.write(Ychrom + "\n")
O.write(">chrom_X" + "\n")
O.write(Xchrom + "\n")
now simulate some WGS read data!
use wgsim from samtools package
for i in {1..3}; do
wgsim -N 160000 -1 150 -2 150 fakegenome.MALE.diploid.fa sample_M_${i}.1.fastq sample_M_${i}.2.fastq
for i in {1..3}; do
wgsim -N 160000 -1 150 -2 150 fakegenome.FEMALE.diploid.fa sample_F_${i}.1.fastq sample_F_${i}.2.fastq
gzip *.fastq