An implementation of a WebSub hub using Flask-websub, an nginx publisher (Federation A metadata source) and subscriber (Federation B) in pyFF.
Nginx server publishing metadata in docroot, adding hub and self url in Link headers
Metadata source: config/nginx/html/feda.xml
Metadata endpoint: http://feda.websub.local/feda.xml
EntityID of metadata: http://feda.websub.local/feda
Flask-websub Hub, accepting topic urls for feda.websub.local
and mdq.websub.local
pyFF Subscriber/Publisher
Metadata loaded from http://feda.websub.local/feda.xml
pyFF Subscriber
Metadata loaded from http://mdq.websub.local/.well-known/webfinger
To build the feda/hub/mdq and fedb dockers:
To start the feda/hub/mdq and fedb dockers:
To login on feda/hub/mdq and fedb:
docker exec -ti pmdq_feda_1 /bin/bash
docker exec -ti pmdq_hub_1 /bin/bash
docker exec -ti pmdq_mdq_1 /bin/bash
docker exec -ti pmdq_fedb_1 /bin/bash
Add this to your /etc/hosts file hub.websub.local mdq.websub.local feda.websub.local fedb.websub.local
In the dockers, the websub code is volume mounted on /opt/websub
The pyFF fork is volume mounted on /opt/pyFF
Create a virtualenv and install Flask-websub in the hub docker:
cd /opt/websub
virtualenv --python=python3 .
bin/pip install -e .
bin/pip install celery
bin/pip install redis
Create a virtualenv and install pyFF in the mdq docker:
cd /opt/pyFF
virtualenv --python=python3 .
bin/pip install -e .
openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout sign.key -out sign.crt -days 3650 -subj "CN=websub.local"
Because of the shared volume mount, this also installs pyFF on sp docker.
Start the respective services by running the run scripts on each host:
/opt/websub/ (on hub docker)
/opt/pyFF/ (on mdq docker)
/opt/pyFF/ (on sp docker)
Now open three tabs in a browser
On Federtation A, check the metadata
On the mdq, check the metadata of entityID http://feda.websub.local/feda
On Federation B check the metadata of entityID http://feda.websub.local/feda
Now update the original source metadata and update metadata by calling one of the following URLs using curl:
For a non-websub metadata provider (without hub) directly call the pyFF MDQ update endpoint:
curl -X POST http://mdq.websub.local/api/update -F 'entry=http://feda.websub.local/feda'
For a websub capable metadata provider notify the hub:
curl -X POST http://hub.websub.local/update -F 'topic=http://feda.websub.local/feda.xml'
See the metadata updated on Federation A, mdq and Federation B.
You can stop the dockers on your host by CTRL-C'ing
on your host