The focus of this class was the proper design and implementation of the backend of a fullstack system. It's counterpart was the Web Technologies class as they shared the same endpoint. The Shopping Cart database designed and created in this class was implemented in the Web Technologies capstone project to create the fullstack Shopping Cart app.
In order to do this, it covered
- the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
- data dictionary specification
- implementing the design into a relational database system
- accessing the relevant data using different tools (MySQL and WebStorm) as well as php code
- management of the database using different tools
Tools and Technologies used: MS Access, PHPMyAdmin, MySQL, XAMPP, WebStorm, Jira
The class consisted of 2 parts:
An introduction to the fundamentals of relational databases, how to start designing, building and implementing them using the fictional company Fast Burgers Now.
Using and building on what was learned in Part 1, designed, built, managed and implemented the database for an online Shopping Cart app