This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
In the project directory, you can run:
- The base endpoint for the public web socket stream is: wss://
- npm install -g wscat
wscat -c wss://
"e": "trade", // Event type
"E": 123456789, // Event time
"s": "BNBBTC", // Symbol
"t": 12345, // Trade ID
"p": "0.001", // Price
"q": "100", // Quantity
"b": 88, // Buyer order ID
"a": 50, // Seller order ID
"T": 123456785, // Trade time
"m": true, // Is the buyer the market maker?
"M": true // Ignore
## Candleline/ Stick Stream
`wscat -c wss://`
"e": "kline",
"E": 1610382137707,
"s": "BTCUSDT",
"k": {
"t": 1610382000000,
"T": 1610382299999,
"s": "BTCUSDT",
"i": "5m",
"f": 563928112,
"L": 563945278,
"o": "30951.39000000",
"c": "31317.74000000",
"h": "31517.59000000",
"l": "30614.22000000",
"v": "1244.62170500",
"n": 17167,
"x": false,
"q": "38676686.05247512",
"V": "622.62344100",
"Q": "19377024.31596843",
"B": "0"
JS WebSocket Documentation -
- Create new component file called WebSocket.js
import React from "react";
class WebSocket extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
const socket = new WebSocket(
render() {
return <div className="ui container">PLACEHOLDER</div>;
export default WebSocket;
Import it into App.js and call it in return statement as . Check console and voilla, you have a websocket connection.
Now we need to receive messages from it - WebSocket.onmessage
aWebSocket.onmessage = function (event) {
console.debug("WebSocket message received:", event);
- Create a seaparate folder called backend and cd into it.
- npm i binance-api-node nodemon dotenv
nodemon is for auto restart server, dot env to read your api key from .env file make sure .env file is listed in .gtignore - NEVER EXPOSE YOUR API, if you do, delete the api key and start over
then create server.js inside backend folder
const client = Binance({
apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
apiSecret: process.env.API_SECRET,
async function run() {
console.log(await client.time());
- We are now connected to the binance api using a nodejs server
- Declare your FIAT ( default USDT )
- You can visit "/{type_your_pair_here} and dynamically renders a page for that pair e.g /ethusdt - it will give you data related to ETH and USDT planned feature: type only short version /eth, /btc
- Middleware
- SymbolStream
- BuySell
- EventStream & Event
- Authentication - Netlify Identity
- Safe way to store API keys.
- Building API Gateway with Cloudflare Workers, store logged in users API keys with KV
- Managing Authentication with Auth0 or any other
- Go to Cloudflare Workers, create a subdomain ( in my example.
- Create a worker and call it test, leave it as is
- Create a KV, call it kvtest and leave it as is for now
- Test your Worker
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((data) => console.log(data));
This will console log "hello world". Good.
Configure your KV with your worker
Retrieve data from the KV using this worker (unsecured)
Configure Auth0, create a free account
Link it to the Workers
Retrieve data only if logged in
- Each field you send must have an id object to it containing a number, otherwise it generates random ones and you can have duplicate objects