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Installation EN

Dennis edited this page Aug 21, 2015 · 17 revisions


  • Raspberry Pi (or another single board computer) with a SD-Card, Power-Supply and installed OS. This tutorial is based on an excisting installation of Raspbian (download and installation)
  • Soundcard like this: USB 2.0 Headset-Adapter (, to plugin in microphone and speaker
  • recommended: SIP-Server. For video transmission VP8 passthrough has to be supported.
  • optional: relay for the door opener or any toher hardware, through GPIO (with an relay module) or PiFace Digital
  • optional: Webcam for video transmission (e.g. Raspberry Pi Cam)
  • optional: RFID-module, at the moment only the RDM6300 is supported

Note: The installation-script for automatic installation is obsolete and only compatible with the PJSUA library. Until the scipt is update, please install DoorPi manuelly.

manual installation

installation of dependeces

Python daemon

To run doorpi as service on startup, you need to install the python daemon package:

sudo apt-get install python-daemon


You can use DooPir with two different librarys for SIP. But at the moment only one works 100%. You should use Linphone Python. Aditionally the developer is focused on linphone (it's the only way to use video)

Linphone Python

You can find the detailed instructions here: Raspberrypi:start

These are the commands summarized, to install the newest version:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install wheel
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install linphone4raspberry-3.8.0-cp27-none-any.whl
alternative PJSUA Pyhton Modul

see the script below

optional: Python watchdog

if you want to use the filesystem keyboard (switch GPIOs through files), you need to install the watchdog. For Debian Wheezy:

sudo apt-get install python-yaml
sudo easy_install watchdog

For Debian Jessie:

sudo apt-get install python-watchdog

optional: RPi.GPIO

normally Raspbian already includes this Python Modul, if not install it like this:

sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio

Users with BananaPi (Pro) can use the modified Verions here.

optional: pifacedigitalio

this modul should already be installed on Raspbian, if not:

sudo apt-get install python-pifacedigitalio

Installation of DoorPi

Download the current verions of DoorPi:

sudo git clone /home/DoorPI

Now generate the log-folder and customize the right:

sudo chown -R pi: /home/DoorPI
sudo mkdir /var/log/doorpi
sudo chown pi: /var/log/doorpi

Now install DoorPi as system-service und activate on startup:

sudo cp /home/DoorPI/docs/service/doorpi /etc/init.d/
sudo update-rc.d doorpi defaults

For video-support you can use a video4linux compatibel cam. The driver should be loaded automatically for most cameras. The RasPi Cam, you have to activate on 'raspi-config' and load the kernel-module:

sudo raspi-config
sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2

to load the module on startup you have to run this command once:

echo bcm2835-v4l2 >> /etc/modules

To open a door with an RFID-Chip you can use the RDM6300 module. You have to install it on the serial port and deactivate the serial console of Raspbian. You have to delete the following parameter in '/boot/cmdline.txt':


and in '/etc/inittab'

T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 115200 vt100

now reboot the device and DoorPi is able to use the RFID module.

Install software by script (old manual)

Installation of the OS Raspbian

  1. Load the newest Version von Raspbian from:
  2. Follow the installation instructions from: image installation
  3. Put the card in to your Raspberry Pi and run it on
  4. Your Pi should now work. For further configuration options look at configuration Raspbian (If your SD card has more than 4GB you should expand your file system

Installation of DoorPi

  1. Copy the script with wget
  2. Make the file executable with sudo chmod +x /home/pi/
  3. Now start the installation with sudo ./
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions. (Install the "Abhängigkeiten" and "DoorPi", optional "PiFace")
  5. Wait until the installation is finished. This may take a while.
  6. Now you can edit your configuration with sudo nano /home/DoorPI/conf/doorpi.cfg

short form for downloading the installer and starting the script:

sudo apt-get install -y wget && 
wget && 
sudo chmod +x && 
sudo ./

Navigation-tree inside the script:

  • [O]S Menue
  • [O]s upgrade
  • [F]irmware upgrade
  • [R]eboot
  • [] zurueck zum Hauptmenü - back to the main menu
  • [A]bhaengigkeiten installieren - install dependencies
  • [A]bhaengigkeiten installieren - install dependencies
  • [T]mpfs installieren - install tmpfs
  • [P]iface installieren - install PiFace
  • [] zurueck zum Hauptmenü - back to the main menu
  • [D]oorPi installieren - install DoorPi
  • [R]eboot
  • [] Beenden - quit