An IKEA hack to bring contactless payments to the DUKTIG "Toy Cash Register".
- Read register input
- Integrate kernel for EMV
- Test contactless payments
- Mount componentry
- Carve contactless symbol
- Through lemonade sales, teach progeny about:
- modern payment processing
- crypto
- electronics
Note: connect all 6 ICSP pins regardless of whether the programmer provides power.
make install
OS X steals the interface.
Install a dummy driver to prevent this:
- Decompress tools/AtmelICE.kext.tar.bz2 into /System/Library/Extensions
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/AtmelICE.kext
- Reload with
kextcache -system-caches
- Unplug and plug in the Atmel-ICE device
- Rejoice!