Contributors: Mark Hayden
Tags: go, golang, s3, aws, amazon web services, s3querybuilder
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
This is a simple package used for generating the full encoded url to allow an anonymous user to access a single file in a AWS S3 bucket. Generated link includes a expiration setting to ensure bucket security. Expiration is set by the second.
You can specify an HTTP verb such as PUT
to allow users to upload an specific file, if no verb is specified it defaults to GET
, allowing the file to be downloaded.
go get
q := s3querybuilder.Cfg{
File: "file.txt",
Bucket: "my-s3-bucket",
AccessKey: "<AWS_KEY>",
SecretKey: "<AWS_KEY_SECRET>",
Expire: 300,
q := s3querybuilder.Cfg{
File: "file.txt",
Bucket: "my-s3-bucket",
AccessKey: "<AWS_KEY>",
SecretKey: "<AWS_KEY_SECRET>",
HTTPVerb: "PUT",
Expire: 300,
This will output the URL, you can use it with curl for example:
curl -v -X PUT --upload-file "file.txt" "<URL>"
Notice that you must put the URL inside double quotes or curl will not send all the query parameters.