This projects helps people create groups based on the items provided. click here to see the website
- Groups based on items
// Example
const grouping = (items, noPerGroup) => {
// group the items[] by the number per group
- Allow CSV Upload
// Example
const upload = (file, columnName, noPerGroup) => {
// columnName -> the colunm we are pulling the numbers from -> can advance this in the future
// check the type of file, for now allow - Array, JSON, CSV and xls
// convert JSON, then Array -> or direcly to array.
// Call the grouping function to perform grouping.
const items = file // data after pulling from file
const results = grouping(items, noPerGroup)
return results
- Allow Spreadsheet Upload
// Make sure can upload spreadsheet
// Make use of upload function shown above
- Save in computer/phone local storage
// Save to local storage for sometime. (and display)
// localStorage.setItem(), etc methods
- Other ideas a. Allow multiple selection using other characters e.g gender balance groups b. Think of other metrics
Take for instance, [student1, student2, student3, student4, student5, student6]
and group them into groups of 2 students
, example of result might be:
Group 1 - [student1, student3]
Group 2 - [student2, student6]
Group 3 - [student4, student5]