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Christian Dangl edited this page Nov 17, 2020 · 13 revisions

Here you can find a list of different problems along with possible solutions. Let us know, if anything is missing!


Payment Methods

Payment method not existing in Shopware

If one or all payment methods do not exist in Shopware, please verify the following:

  • Is your payment method unlocked and enabled in the Mollie Dashboard?
  • Try to set either the LIVE Api Key + Test Mode ON, or the TEST Api Key + Test Mode OFF in the plugin configuration and reinstall the plugin. This should automatically fetch available payment methods from your Mollie account and create them in Shopware.

Order cannot be marked as "shipped"

Order is paid as a single payment (not an order) at Mollie

This error means that the Shopware order has been made using the "Payments API" and not the "Order API". That means there is only an existing transaction but no order in Mollie. Mollie transactions cannot be marked as "shipped". This is no bug, it's indeed as expected. Only orders in Mollie have this feature.

There should be no need to mark this order as "shipped".

If you want to use this feature for all payments and not only for Klarna, you might want to enable creating orders for ALL payment methods besides Klarna in the Plugin Configuration.

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