BBMRI Biobank Explorer v7.11.3
breaking changes
- IE11 support has been dropped
- Home screen has been redesigned
- Configuration structure for filter facets has changed
- Biobank cards are now smaller and are more inline of the main design
- Collection and Biobank network filter facets are merged
- Biobank view properties are configurable
- Biobank cards (home screen) are configurable
- Configuration screen available inside the app when you are logged in as an administrator
- biobanks now adopt the new PID as @id value in bioschema.
- Able to easy copy a biobank PID from the biobank screen
- Add ability to configure texts of buttons and links
- Add configuration option to have the filters shown or hidden at startup
- Add configuration option to have a subset of filters shown from the start and others behind a 'more filters' option
- Add UI in configuration screen for managing filters.
Bug fixes
- Biobank schemas are now correctly added again
- Bioschema description field for collections falls back to the name field in case description attribute is missing
Covid filters no longer in orange.