Ntc is a Ruby port of the javascript library ntc.js. Ntc will give you the name of the closest defined color from Resene RGB Values list, Wikipedia, Crayola, and Color-Name Dictionaries.
Ntc can be used as
require "./ntc"
color = Ntc.new("#000000")
# #<Ntc:0x00000001a63758 @color="#000000">
# ["#000000", "Black", true]
color_rgb = color.name[0] # RGB value of the closest match
# "#000000"
color_name = color.name[1] # Name of closest match
# "Black"
color_exactmatch = color.name[2] # True if exact color match
# true
- The ntc library is released under the Creative Commons license.
- The algorithm and design is copyrighted to Chirag Mehta, 2007.